• Warning: Spoilers
    I'm so sick of seeing people give shows and movies 1/10 if they don't like it or 10/10 if they like it. So here is my short, messy and jumbled, but NUANCED review. This show is pretty great so far! It's not a masterpiece 10/10 and it's certainly not a 1/10. The first episode takes us through the life of the main character and just begins to introduce the supporting characters. The cinematography, writing, acting and pacing are all fantastic. It is a sad, depressing, shocking, and disturbing show. It's not for everyone. But it grabbed my attention immediately and held it through the whole episode. There were parts where I almost teared up, and one part where I literally had my jaw hanging open! (And not because of any of the nudity, drug use, or violence that many people have been clutching their pearls over.) My biggest criticism would be that there are two characters who aren't fleshed out at ALL so far. They're flat, one dimensional and not likeable. In fact, one of them is absolutely terrible with 0 redeeming qualities. However, since this is only the first episode and i assume the show will flesh all the characters out throughout the rest of the 8 episode run, it's kind of unfair to criticize on this point too much. Thankfully, I do care about all the other characters for the most part. The show also happens to have one of the few, and most realistic on screen depictions of OCD and mental illness/disorders I've seen in my life. I say this as someone with OCD, though not the same type and perhaps not as severe as is depicted.

    Anyway, the first episode overall is a great pilot. It starts strong, keeps you intrigued, and ends with a little twist. I am definitely going to tune in in the weeks to come.

    SIDE NOTE: one of the biggest criticisms I've been hearing of the show so far is that it's "not realistic." "Teens don't do THIS many drugs." "Teens don't have THIS much sex, or party THIS hard." Etc. In response I'd say this: speak for your damn self. As a teen, my experience certainly wasn't like this at all. But just because my experience wasn't like this and your experience may not have been like this, doesn't mean it wasn't like this for anyone else. The creator, Sam Levinson has stated he took inspiration for Euphoria from his struggles with addiction as a teen. Many teens struggle with drugs, violence, sex, partying, social pressures, social media, bullying etc.... and most teens will find at least some stuff in the show relatable. For me, it was the OCD depiction. Also, even if it's not realistic to you, who cares? If it's entertaining and high quality (which it is) then you'll probably enjoy it.