• Warning: Spoilers
    I've read all types of synopsis of this drama from various links. And I'm sure it is kinda misleading. Why? Because it doesn't center on the female lead. It centers mostly on the princes and their rivalry. Prince Lee Kang has wanted to become king even before he met Ja Hyeon. It's just that his urge of claiming that woman his is getting stronger after he become the king, when he thought he have all the world in his hand.

    It does, focus a lot at the beautiful love of Prince Lee Hwi and Lady Ja Hyeon. The synopsis that said the lady is the most beautiful woman in entire Joseon and has so many suitors lining up for her hand-in-marriage is also not entirely true. She is pretty, yes. That's why both the princes are madly in love with her, one with obsession, and one with sincerity. But she's extraordinarily pretty only in both of the men's hearts and about all the suitors, it's not true lol.

    Overall, I just want to say the synopsis don't do this drama justice. It focuses a lot in power and politics too. And I don't think the ending is rushed. I can expect what the ending would be so I'm not entirely disappointed. Some parts can make you cry a river. And I really enjoy the intense love of the leads.
