• Gifted director W.D. Hogan does an absolutely beautiful job of helming this incredible film and turns in what is nothing less than a powerful cautionary tale of the value of teamwork during an alien invasion. He works from an imaginative and insightful script by Sydney Roper and Rudy Thauberger that certainly delivers thrills but also an important message. The special effects by Scott Mckay are at times stunning and will leave the viewer wondering how exactly they could possibly do that. All this is given a fantastic assist with pulse pounding score by Michael Neilson and it's music you won't soon forget. Standout performances are given by Andrea Brooks, Emily Holmes, and Ryan Merriman. They give a depth to their characters and one could easily feel their fear and determination. Ms. Holmes is particularly effective and she gives what is possibly the performance of a lifetime. Veteran actor Tom Everett Scott is masterful in his role as President of the United States, portraying convincingly a man under siege and overwhelmed at times by his responsibility to humanity. This is a film that accomplishes what others so often have tried and it does it on a minimal budget. Creativity, imagination, and insight into the human condition make this a truly fine science fiction film by also something much, much more. You will not watch Independence Daysaster and remain unchanged by the experience.