• Warning: Spoilers
    The first episode seemed a bit dry at first, the acting a bit forced. But as the episodes progressed, the acting improved, the storylines and plots became better and more engaging each episode, and the characters became more lovable. Black people don't tend to see themselves represented in TV shows in such a relatable way. Chances are, if you aren't a black person, or don't hang around any, you may not get some of the jokes, or really relate to all the hilarious situations. But if you really pay attention, and come to it with open eyes, this show will really be great for you. In this show, I see amazing, educated, hilarious, and attractive black characters shown. Episodes touch on hilarious incidents and adventures, but also touch on racism, especially within one woman shown in a later episode who thinks "diversity is trending", but doesn't actually care or understand the black community. And seeing as there are many people like that out there, I found it amazing, how well they showed a character like that, and showed the audience how stupid it was. Other episodes highlight gender equality, and school dress code protests. Others highlight black history, and incredible ancestors. While most of the episodes are generally light with subtle hints of the racism in our society, but funny things people, (especially black people) can relate to, (when you see black people running, you better start running too)...the final episode of Part 1 was definitely harder, but an important one, because it shone light on police brutality. Some of the kids we've grown to love, two 12 year olds and a 10 year old are arrested by a cop in front of their own house, after mowing lawns for honest money. The kids are shaken by it, wondering why the police were treating them like the bad guys. It also showed how easily the police get off, the one that had harassed the kids being suspended for only 2 days. It hurt to watch, but was also a startling reminder of a reality for young black kids and adults who have to face this. The system is like a dystopia. Shortly after, the parents are pulled over for no reason, showing another way black people are targeted, but can't do anything, because the people in power have the guns. So this TV show really touched me, especially towards the later episodes. Because after it touched and black family magic, it also touched on obstacles that black people have to face. So 10/10 for this tv show, for making me laugh, making me angry, and making me cry. And for those of you who quit at the first episode...keep watching-It only gets better.