• I dont understand this. The first season was just perfect. Sure, you have to get used to the silly jokes, absurd reactions and all the other crazy stuff. But it all somehow works together. Not in the second series. It all just sounds and looks so incoherent, stupid and nonsensical. Perhaps it is due to the story. You feel like there is no story at all. Its like the creators took no time after the first series and went back to work. Drained of ideas, just to milk the popularity of the product. And this is the result: Side plots are unimportant and very VERY primitive. Mooncake is just there, but insignificant and you dont care about its cute sounds anymore. HUE went from a lovable ship AI to a drab miserable existence. What replaced him is boring as hell. Three new characters that are now a part of the team are either plain stupid, disgusting or meh-interesting. I couldnt care less about any of them. Throughout the whole season you are being fed small crumbs of the "story" that is wrapped in so much nonsense! You keep asking yourself WHAT IS HAPPENING? WHY AM I STILL WATCHING THIS? I would suggest to just watch the first series and forget about this little miscarried sibling. They may look similar, but are VERY different.