• Warning: Spoilers

    1) Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone are both absolutely sensational in this film.

    2) The relationship is completely believable, largely due to great performances and writing. I really wanted both central characters to succeed in their endeavours and to succeed in their relationship together 3) The film is very emotional in all the best ways. I loved the heartbreak of the ending as it feels like an inferior film would've had an overly simplistic happy ending


    1) I realise that what I'm asking for is a completely different film, but I didn't enjoy any of the musical sequences in this film. I just HATE the opening sequence in the singing traffic jam, I thought it was terrible, and none of the other musical sequences were much better in my opinion 2) Outside of our two leads, the rest of the characters aren't really fleshed out at all and feel somewhat like caricatures 3) The film very much feels like a passion project from Chazelle, which in a way is good in that he was allowed to realise his vision, but in a way is bad because it feels very undisciplined at times and the way in which the film is so obsessed with jazz and movies is a bit cliche at times.