Quite a surprise at the time, it is evident that the production played all the cards, and for good, unexpected the freedom that canal 13 allowed the production, something worthy of applauding.
The direction of Cristian Mason is exceptional and with a unique personality, and above all, the script work is really careful, Catalina Calcagni and company develop an exceptional work, with complex and unforgettable characters, special mention to Ignacia Baeza and Nestor Cantillna, they stole the TV series.
However, a perfect series does not appear, there are a couple of factors that did not convince me, the story of the serial killer, despite being more than good, in my opinion it takes a bit of the suspense.
And above all, the final chapter, which was most mediocre and gratuit, a gigantic disappointment.
(by the way, score 1 to the edition of canal 13 for the last microchapters, which partially killed the intensity)
However, I consider that these errors do not completely tarnish the quality of the story, and it will be remembered for it, since this time, the virtues of 'Pacto de Sangre' completely outweigh its shortcomings.
Highly recommended.
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