
  • Ray Liotta and Linda Fiorentino - if those names ring a bell or make you ecstatic with joy, you probably saw a few of their outputs (with Linda it was mostly in the 90s). Now she is in this but her character has to be a bit ... tame and while helpful in one sense, also blocking our main character in some ways too. So the main focus of this, is not a love story but a murder mystery. As such I would think that quite a few watching it now, are savvy enough to see through most things. You could call it predictable.

    So while you may not know the exact reasons or backgrounds of why things happened the way they did, you can draw your own conclusions which mostly will be right. Great actors overall make this more than worthwhile though. Watch this and enjoy it for the "romp" that it is - with some interesting Science Fiction ideas concerning the human brain. Never mind the flaws and coincidences if you can, to enjoy it as good as you can.