Fate is so much different than the colorful Winx from Nickelodeon, but that's OK. It's trying to be its own thing and I think it worked! I was scared it would be as terrible as the other time they tried making a Live Action version of a Nick show (Avatar the Last Airbender), but no, I thought it blew all my expectations out of the water! Abigail Cowan and all her cast mates did such a good job, there's so much to like here!!
At first, I thought the characters were all introduced pretty fast, since it starts with Bloom already at Alfea. But don't worry, all of the main cast has their own moments and sub plots. Not going to spoil them here, but I thought Terra (who's basically Flora, with Flora's powers but a different name) had a good arc about finding her real friendships. The scary new villain/creatures called the Burned Ones were also really interesting to me, and there was also a lot of family drama since both Bloom and Stella had rocky relationships with their mothers.
Since Fate was made by new people from totally different shows (like Vampire Diaries), there are obviously lots of differences between the cartoon and its tone. Just remind yourself of that, and you can totally enjoy it as a separate show- plus, I kinda love angsty drama, so this whole show was like the perfect pick for me. Please give Fate a chance!
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