• Warning: Spoilers
    By episode 5 I genuinely disliked Bloom, I don't understand how she is the heroine of the story here. Stella is presented as narcissistic, but the true narcissist is Bloom because throughout the show she clearly demonstrates that she only cares about herself and what she wants and she's willing to sacrifice everyone, including her friends to get it.

    She routinely endanger the lives of her friends, drugs Sky who she's supposedly in love with and leaves him unconscious and vulnerable even though she knows that there are burned ones around. This is the same boy that is her best friend's on/off boyfriend, again demonstrating that she is 1. A very bad friend, girl code doesn't exist to her, and 2. She only cares about what she wants.

    The first time she meets Sky after drugging him there's no apology from her, just a meek "you seem okay". That's it? That's all you're going to say after drugging the boy you're in love with- "you seem okay". If the roles had been reversed here and he had been the one who drugged her and left her out there alone and then just said "you seem okay" the next time he saw her, what do you think the reaction would have been by people watching the show? Would he still be the hero? I doubt that.

    Not to mention that when Sky points out that drugging him was...you know, not a very nice to do (to say the least) she proceeds to gaslight him to make him feel as he was the one in the wrong and she is the victim, even though she drugged him and released a murderer. She does a quite a bit of gaslighting in this show actually.

    Later she does say a very quick "sorry" and then uses sexual attraction to get him to forgive her, basically - don't think about the fact that I drugged you...just focus on the fact that you're attracted to me. Sky goes from one codependent dysfunctional relationship to another, someone teach this boy to have some self worth.

    And why were there no consequences for Bloom from the school for drugging another student and releasing a murderer?

    Bloom befriends the psychopath murderer who took part in bullying her friend, and then breaks her out of jail, granted her friends help her out with that one and then lock up the psychopath murderer again, however I'm still counting this as a negative for her (it's really adding up) as she is a very bad influence on them. Aisha is the one rational person in the friend group who recognizes that Bloom is being very selfish and that poor girl is treated like horribly.

    Bloom then goes on to release Rosalind, a woman who planned and committed mass murder by burning down an entire town that at the time was believed to have been innocents and who at that time was believed to have murdered her parents, Bloom had been made aware of this and yet she releases her. Rosalind then lets burned ones into the school, which leads to Sam almost dying and proceeds to kill Farah.

    I suppose one could argue that Bloom's actions were caused by manipulation, however her underlying personality and character traits are still there and as Farah points out Blooms actions are the reason the whole school is in danger. She tells Farah "Is your ego so fragile that you can't even consider that you're wrong", talk about a glasshouse situation there, she should have been looking at herself in the mirror when saying that.

    Her friends are very forgiving and possibly also a bit dumb, they say that Sam is fine thanks to Bloom...but he would never have been hurt if it wasn't for her. The characters are meant to be only 16 years old, so some immaturity is to be excepted. But it's just very hard to remember that they're meant to be only 16 years old, when the actors and actresses playing the roles really do not look 16 years old. They all very much look like adults.

    Thank you for coming to my TED-talk...