• The most perfect in the detective genre. Holmes is presented with a gift. And it is not explained how he got it. It's perfect. The most perfect and subtle movie in the detective genre. If other commentators don't get it, it is only their weakness. And the rest of the movie can be a hodge-podge of Sherlock Holmes stories. The perfection of this movie is the non explained gift to Holmes, the rest can be Schlock. You do not need to see any other detective genre movie as the universal plot point of how they resolve themselves is exposed here.

    For those of you who do not understand the detective genre, this is the one for you. If you can never figure out how the detective deduces the mystery, this is the one for you. Holmes get a gift! And it doesn't need to be explained. This is the most perfect movie in the detective mystery genre. The other plot points don't matter and never do, if you can't figure it out anyway. But the Great Sherlock Holmes - like a Delphi oracle - waits for the conclusion to come to him. Elementary.

    There are no review categories as it only revolves around one item: Holmes' gift and thus the gift to you about the whole of the detective genre! GO APE!