• Of course the ubiquitous Paul Britton rocks up in this, telling us how he was the one who informed the police that there would be more than two bodies under the patio of 25 Cromwell Street. It's funny, because no other material on the Wests credits him with that perceptive statement.

    What really bothers me about this series is the re-enactments. Rose's younger versions still look like the frumpy housewife she is most associated with after her arrest, rather than teenager she was at the time of meeting Fred and being stepmum to Charmaine and Anne-Marie. As for Charmaine, the girl who plays her is white! Even the photo of the real Charmaine is heavily filtered, erasing her Asian heritage. Really poor decision from the producers.

    As another reviewer says, there is nothing that this show adds to the genre. It's a lot of very well educated people who should know better, sitting around congratulating themselves on their superior understanding of the human psyche.