This started off not too bad...for 5 minutes, and then just fell apart.
Why did they decide to hide out in a run down barn, instead of just high tailing it out of the County/State?
The Brother, had hidden weapons in a barrel, previously, yet was surprised when he ended up with the smallest gun.
They all had weapons prior to being 'trapped' by the Klan, yet when our protagonist escaped, after having his 'delicate parts' burned with a lighter which was about 1 foot away from them, and 'saved' his brother from his torturer, he was told that the guns were back in the barrel, that his Brother had hidden them there before they got 'trapped'...By the way, you have to see the state of the Brothers wound...His arm has been cut off, and the seeping stump looks just like a Rib-eye steak. Incredible make up.
The best part for me, was when one of the Klan members got an axe thrown at him, slicing into his shoulder. He's just pulled it out. He then gets the same axe piled into his back, then slammed into his crotch, and his testicles ripped out, and he's STILL ALIVE!!! Later, during a 'Naked Gun' style shoot out(where the opposing sides are no more than 3 feet apart, but still contrive to miss eachother), he's blasted with 4, or 5 bullets from other Klan members, and is STILL ALIVE!!!
This isn't even a comedy horror, it's billed as a horror thriller. Even if it was meant to be comedy, it's not funny.
The acting is poor, the effects are poor. Everything takes place at this barn, even when it would make more sense for teh characters to move away from the barn, it still takes place there. It's just not a good film, or worth watching.
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