This was quite enigmatic, seductive and too crazed to be understood yet I loved it all the way. An internet post somewhere showing a man looking at the camera
while a group of guys kept huddled him was interesting to know what this was all about. Yet I couldn't get a clear reasoning behind this particular moment but it
sure looks visually fascinating and well-shot.
In it, our lead singer Pol Granch joins a sort of like emotional support group of sad men while he sings his obsession with a girl (she appears later on,
having some romantic moments with him). But it's the great meeting group that grabs our attention when the move get up from the chairs, one of them fights with Pol,
and then the now iconic shots of him surrounded by them. It was a nice performance from everybody involved, and the song, though completely out of my real interests,
is actually quite catchy and I just how he blands Spanish and French into song, both very seductive languages. So here's a now favorite moment of mine. 10/10.
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