• Origins Edition: Normally not a game I would be giving a good review on, but in the mere half hour I was able to play this game before the servers shut down, I had a blast. The game isn't designed to be story driven, or have much of anything interesting to say, but the gameplay is damn fun. Mostly playing as Baptiste, I found playing a support to be lots of fun, but also this character had some fun weaponry it was almost too easy getting some of these kills. I can't say I was top player, or even top 5, but for someone who doesn't play PvP games much, thought I did alright. The maps are very fun too; lots of alleys to sneak up on people, plus how you can help your teammates out based on your class, I thought the teamwork aspect of the game was phenomenal. Now, I can't say the game was the best; it's online only, pvp with little to no story or lore, but this game didn't hurt to check out once in awhile. Only made it to level 3 (told ya, I barely played this game) but I do plan on checking out Overwatch 2 when it comes out. I can't really recommend the game since it's no longer available, but I can say I didn't regret checking it out.