This one has been on my watchlist for some time.
It's not bad.
Let's start with the obvious; the tape recording quality is going to annoy a lot of people. I think it's okay. The acting, especially those being interviewed in the documentary style, is poor and completely wooden. Our main antagonist isn't played with any skill or presence either and it is undoubtedly more difficult to invest in scenarios and characters when they've been so poorly acted.
That said, there are some pretty dark moments in this movie. In fact there's quite a few. Most of the torture is left to your imagination which will disturb the audience in various degrees I guess but even with all the off screen violence, there's plenty to churn your stomach here.
Child rape, dismemberment, a pretty unique and shocking kind of reverse caesarian and as disturbing a case of extreme Stockholm syndrome as you're likely to see.
It's creepy, it's disturbing and it's repulsive and so far as low budget shockers go, it's not a bad effort. I'll likely never watch it again but I can see why it's garnered something of a cult following for itself.
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