I honestly wasn't sure that I would stick with this show; and I'm still unsure, BUT I'm happy that I've given it time. I like Rue, but she's terrifying. I've known Rue's, and it's a story that needs telling. It's a warning shot that may or may not be recognized as such. It's a difficult show to watch because your watching teenagers self destruct, and honey, it's graphic. There is a lot of trauma. It's like Brett Easton Ellis's Rules of Attraction meets Harmony Korine and a little Larry Clark (ick on the last one).
Why have I stuck with it? I got invested in the characters. I feel like I have to see Rue's story out. I don't see it as being glamorized as much as the audience is more desensitized than they probably should be, this day in age.
Warning. This show is loaded with triggers. Pay attention to the content warnings. It is harsh and it is graphic. It's teenagers making every imaginable bad decision that could easily end with them dying a terrible death. If this were real life, they would probably be dead. If your impressionable be honest with yourself.
No half decent parent would let their teenager watch this.
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