• Warning: Spoilers
    Mark and his girlfriend go "looking for arrowheads" and actually look for arrowheads? Really? At their apparent age in the real world and in the real old West looking for arrowheads would have been the last thing on their minds. Granted this was older TV, but with just a bare hint at romance? At least a little realism would have been nice. They're teenagers for Pete's sake!

    Then there's the excruciatingly obvious promotion of Johnny Crawford's singing career that we certainly could have done without. Or at least anyone who wasn't a 12yo girl at the time.

    Add to that one of the very worst Hollywood tropes of almost "drowning in quicksand" which actually only happens in movies and TV shows and it all comes out to an episode that leaves this big fan of the show really, really, really wishing there'd been more episodes to come to give the writers a chance to redeem themselves from this one. Or perhaps I should just be happy the show didn't return if they'd reached this level.