Fortnite is the definition of overhated and overrated at the same time, it's quite bizarre. Fortnite is a game that is alway getting new updates that completely changes the game, so this review might be dated in the future.
Fortnite at its core is a pretty addictive 3rd person shooter with building elements thrown in. It can be really tense sometimes and really fun. There's 3 modes basically, the Battle Royal, which you have to be the last man standing, Zero Build, which is the same as Battle Royal without the building elements, and Ranked, which pits you with other players of the same skill level. Not that any of these modes are bad, it's just that they can get boring some times.
There's other modes too, such as LEGO, a mode that combines Animal Crossing with the survival elements of Minecraft, Festival, where it's a Guitar Hero clone, and Rocket Racing, which is a clone of Epic's (the developer of Fortnite) racing combat game Rocket League. These modes can be really fun but I just wish that they were more original.
There's a story mode too called "Save The World" which is a generic zombie tower defense game that costs money to play, around 17 U. S dollars. It's really not worth it.
The crossovers are really creative too, such as the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles event, Rick & Morty, Marvel, D. C, and even Mr. Beast? You name it! They can be really funny and serves plenty of fan service to fans of the properties. The V-Bucks are a bit overpriced though, a "Epic" skin costs around 13 U. S dollars. So much sure you're spending your money wisely.
Overall, if you want to try it out then do so, it's a blast sometimes, especially with a group of friends using the online multiplayer mode. And it's free too, so you're not wasting any money at all.
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