• The story of a king - Jinhan - who lied to gain accession to the throne and fell in love with a person who excelled at the game of Baduki.

    The person he thought was a man - is of course a woman - Mong woo.

    Yet again we have writers promoting a thinly disguised gay relationship - and it is beginning to get irritating.

    Had the actress even attempted to act in a masculine manner it may have been forgiven - but she was all demure and big eyed femininity which was entirely unbelievable.

    Of course they fall in love despite the fact that Mong - is planning to dethrone him at best and kill him at worst.

    The relationship is not convincing because there is absolutely NO chemistry between the two leads - he does his best - but she just stands there like a dummy with closed mouth and no attempt to kiss him back.

    I have seen this guy before - and he is a great kisser - so it is not his fault.

    The episodes are long - and terminally boring with endless political machinations between the dowager queen and various ministers.

    They misuse the word "captivating" which means "capable of attracting and holding interest; charming:" and not the depth of meaning they attribute to it.

    Also they use an extremely vulgar British slang term "bollocks" which is highly inappropriate - especially when used by women. Had they researched English meanings more competently they would have chosen the word "Balderdash" or "Rubbish" or Nonsense" any of which would have been more acceptable.

    The story continues to a highly unbelievable conclusion regarding both the Qing occupation and the future of the leads.

    We are not told how he will accomplish this - because the answer is he will never be able to.