
  • Great show. But h. Dancy is the worst ADA it's ever had. The character's personality is weak but the performance is also weak. His delivery is dramatic, sure, but he does not believe in it any more than i do. His eyes are always blank even when his voice and gestures get excited. A sad fraction of McCoy as ADA in all aspects, who makes you really root for him to win. It is why people keep coming back for 20 years.

    Dancy is so hard to watch, made me stop watching after 20 years. The show should replace dancy asap. Give the show back its backbone. They should have brought back Angie Harmon instead.

    And find another Briscoe please ! These smug detectives now dont even come close. No appeal, pun intended.

    We need order restored to law and order. The people rest.

    The first 20 seasons - 8 / 10 season 21 - 2 / 10.