• Moderate
  • For a PG rated film it's pretty violent. Since it's a war movie, there will be violence.
  • A man gets shot in the arm during a duel, he survives
  • A man gets slapped
  • The final dogfight is pretty intense.
  • A pilot gets shot in his plane. When we see his face, lots of blood is coming out of his mouth.
  • Another pilot gets shot in his plane, he then screams loudly in pain.
  • A man is stuck in a plane that is on fire
  • A man gets shot
  • There are two executions. We can see one of the people getting shot and killed, however, the other execution takes place off-screen, the shot can be heard.
  • There is a scene where a man is serving aboard a German zeppelin that is flying over London for an attack from high above the clouds. He is the bombardier-observer as he is lowered below the cloud-line in a pod, but because of his love for England he directs the zeppelin over a pond on a farm and bombs that instead. But later the Germans cut the cable that secures his pod in order to obtain more altitude and speed to escape the English fliers he supposedly dies.
  • During the same scene where the Germans are trying to bomb London, British planes come to attack the zeppelin, in order to get more altitude German soldiers sacrifice their life by jumping off the zeppelin in order to make it lighter. Meanwhile the planes are attacking the zeppelin and the Germans fight back by shooting at the planes. Some planes crash. Finally a British pilot sacrifices his life by crashing his plane onto the zeppelin. Both the plane and the zeppelin explode.
  • At the very end of the movie we see a battle in the trenches, mild violence.