12 Angry Men (1957)
Edward Binns: Juror 6
Juror #8 : [after conducting an experiment to see if the old man could have reached his door in 15 seconds] Here's what I think happened: the old man heard the fight between the boy and his father a few hours earlier. Then, when he's lying in his bed, he heard a body hit the floor in the boy's apartment, heard the woman scream from across the street, got to his front door as fast as he could, heard somebody racing down the stairs and *assumed* it was the boy!
Juror #6 : I think that's possible!
Juror #3 : [from the other side of the room] *"Assumed"?*
[Everyone looks at #3 as he chuckles]
Juror #3 : Brother, I've seen all kinds of dishonesty in my day, but this little display takes the cake. Y'all come in here with your hearts bleedin' all over the floor about slum kids and injustice, you listen to some fairy tales... Suddenly, you start gettin' through to some of these old ladies. Well, you're not getting through to me, I've had enough.
[starts shouting]
Juror #3 : What's the *matter* with you guys? You all *know* he's guilty! He's *got* to burn! You're letting him slip through our fingers!
Juror #8 : [brow furrowing] "Slip through our fingers"? Are you his executioner?
Juror #3 : I'm one of 'em!
Juror #8 : ...Perhaps you'd like to pull the switch?
Juror #3 : For this kid? You bet I would!
Juror #8 : [baiting him] I feel sorry for you. What it must feel like to want to pull the switch! Ever since you walked into this room, you've been acting like a self-appointed public avenger. You want to see this boy die because you *personally* want it, not because of the facts! You're a sadist!
[#3 lunges wildly at #8, who holds his ground. Several jurors hold #3 back]
Juror #3 : I'll kill him! I'll - *kill him!*
Juror #8 : [calmly] You don't *really* mean you'll kill me, do you?
Juror #6 : [when Juror #8 asks him to "suppose" the defendant's innocence] Well, I'm not used to supposin'. I'm just a workin' man. My boss does all the supposin', but I'll try one. Supposin' you talk us all out of this, and, uh, the kid really did knife his father?
Juror #10 : [when a new "not guilty" vote appears in a secret ballot] All right, who was it? I wanna know.
Juror #11 : Excuse me, this was a secret ballot. We all agreed on that. Now, if the gentleman wants it to remain secret...
Juror #3 : "Secret"? What do you mean, "secret"? There are no secrets in a jury room, I know who it was.
Juror #3 : [to Juror #5] Brother, you really are somethin'. you sit here vote guilty like the rest of us, then some golden-voiced preacher starts tearing your poor heart out about some underprivileged kid, just couldn't help becoming a murderer, and you change your vote. Well, if that isn't the most sickening - *why don't you drop a quarter in his collection box?*
Juror #5 : [astonished that #3 was accusing him, gets up] Oh, now just wait a minute! Listen, you can't talk to me that! Who do you think you are?
Juror #4 : Now calm down, calm down!
Juror #5 : No, now who do you think you are?
Juror #4 : It doesn't matter. He's very excitable. Just sit down...
Juror #3 : [exploding] "Excitable"? You bet I'm excitable! We're trying to put a guilty man in the chair where he belongs, and then someone starts telling us fairy tales and we're listening!
Juror #1 : Heya, c'mon now.
Juror #3 : [to Juror #5] What made you change your vote?
Juror #9 : He didn't change his vote - *I* did!
Juror #10 : [everyone stares] Ohhh, fine!
Juror #9 : Would you like me to tell ya why?
Juror #7 : No, I wouldn't like you to tell me why.
Juror #9 : Well, I'd like to make it clear anyways, if you don't mind.
Juror #10 : [impatient] Do we *have* to listen to this?
Juror #6 : [firmly] The man wants to talk.
Juror #9 : [to Juror #6] Thank you.
Juror #9 : [motions to Juror #8] This gentleman has been standing alone against us. Now, he doesn't say that the boy is *not* guilty; he just isn't *sure*. Well, it's not easy to stand alone against the ridicule of others, so he gambled for support... and I gave it to him. I respect his motives. The boy is probably guilty, but - eh, I want to hear more. Right now the vote is 10 to 2...
[Juror #7 gets up and heads to the bathroom]
Juror #9 : Now I'm talking here! You have no right to leave this room - !
Juror #8 : [calmly stopping him] He can't hear you, and he never will. Let's sit down.
[after Juror #8 has established that the old man witness could not have heard the killing over the noise of the elevated train]
Juror #3 : Why should he lie? What's he got to gain?
Juror #9 : Attention, maybe.
Juror #3 : You keep coming in with these bright sayings! Why don't you send 'em into a paper? They pay three dollars apiece!
Juror #6 : [getting up] What are you talkin' to him like that for? Guy talks like that to an old man really oughta get stepped on, you know. You oughta have more respect, mister. If you say stuff like that to him again... I'm gonna lay you out.