12 Angry Men (1957)
E.G. Marshall: Juror 4
Juror #10 : [the vote has become 9-3, enraging Juror #10] I don't understand you people! I mean all these picky little points you keep bringing up. They don't mean nothing! You saw this kid just like I did. You're not gonna tell me you believe that phony story about losing the knife, and that business about being at the movies. Look, you know how these people *lie!* It's *born* in them! I mean, what the heck? I don't have to tell you! They don't know what the truth *is!* And lemme tell ya: they don't need any real big reason to kill someone, either! No *sir!*
[#5 slams the paper down, gets up from his seat]
Juror #10 : They get drunk! Oh, they're real big drinkers, all of 'em - you know that - and bang: someone's lyin' in the gutter! Oh, nobody's blaming them for it. That's the way they are, by nature! You know what I mean? *Violent!*
Juror #10 : [#9 rises and crosses to the window] Where're you going? Human life don't mean as much to them as it does to us!
[#11 gets up and walks to the other window]
Juror #10 : Look, they're lushing it up and fighting all the time and if somebody gets killed, so somebody gets killed! They don't care! Oh, sure, there are some good things about 'em, too! Look, I'm the first one to say that!
Juror #10 : [#8 gets up and walks to the nearest wall] I've known a couple who were OK, but that's the exception, y'know what I mean? Most of 'em, it's like they have no feelings! They can do anything!
[#2 and #6 get up from the table. Everyone's back is to #10]
Juror #10 : [looking around, starting to decline in volume] What's goin' on here? I'm trying to tell ya... You're makin' a big mistake, you people! This kid is a liar! I know it, I know all about them! Listen to me... They're no good! There's not a one of 'em who is any good! I mean, what's happening in here? I'm speaking my piece, and you...
[the Foreman gets up and walks away. So does #12]
Juror #10 : Listen to me. We're... This kid on trial here... his type, well, don't you know about them? There's a, there's a danger here. These people are dangerous. They're wild. Listen to me. Listen.
Juror #4 : [quietly and firmly] I have. Now sit down and don't open your mouth again.
Juror #10 : [the shock of being ignored and silenced sinking in] I'm jus' tryin'-a... tell ya...
Juror #3 : That business before when that tall guy, what's-his-name, was trying to bait me? That doesn't prove anything. I'm a pretty excitable person. I mean, where does he come off calling me a public avenger, sadist and everything? Anyone in his right mind would blow his stack. He was just trying to bait me.
Juror #4 : He did an excellent job.
[Juror #9 has pointed out that the witness across the street had marks on her nose, indicating that she normally wore glasses]
Juror #8 : [to Juror #4] Do you wear glasses when you go to bed?
Juror #4 : No. I don't. No one wears eyeglasses to bed.
Juror #8 : It's logical to assume that *she* wasn't wearing them when she was in bed - tossing and turning, trying to fall asleep!
Juror #3 : How do *you* know?
Juror #8 : I don't *know* - I'm guessing! I'm also guessing that she probably didn't put her glasses on when she turned to look casually out of the window - and she herself testified the killing took place just as she looked out, the lights went off a split second later - she couldn't have had *time* to put them on then!
[stops #3 from stopping him]
Juror #8 : Here's another guess: maybe she honestly thought she saw the boy kill his father - I say she only saw a blur!
Juror #3 : How do you know *what* she saw? How does he know all that? How do you know *what* kind of glasses she wore? Maybe they were sunglasses, maybe she was far-sighted! What do you *know* about her?
Juror #8 : I only know the woman's eyesight is in question now!
Juror #11 : She had to be able to identify a person sixty feet away, at night, without glasses.
Juror #2 : You can't send someone off to die on evidence like that!
Juror #3 : Oh, don't give me that.
Juror #8 : Don't you think the woman *might* have made a mistake?
Juror #3 : [stubbornly] No!
Juror #8 : It's not *possible?*
Juror #3 : No, it's not possible!
Juror #8 : [gets up and speaks to Juror #12] Is it possible?
Juror #12 : [nods] Not guilty.
Juror #8 : [goes to #10] You think he's guilty?
[#10 shakes his head "no"]
Juror #3 : *I* think he's guilty!
Juror #8 : [ignores #3; goes to #4] How about you?
Juror #4 : [looks at #8, pauses, then shakes head] No... I'm convinced. Not guilty.
Juror #3 : [shocked, having just lost all support] What's the matter with ya?
Juror #4 : I have a reasonable doubt now.
Juror #9 : Eleven to one!
Juror #10 : [when a new "not guilty" vote appears in a secret ballot] All right, who was it? I wanna know.
Juror #11 : Excuse me, this was a secret ballot. We all agreed on that. Now, if the gentleman wants it to remain secret...
Juror #3 : "Secret"? What do you mean, "secret"? There are no secrets in a jury room, I know who it was.
Juror #3 : [to Juror #5] Brother, you really are somethin'. you sit here vote guilty like the rest of us, then some golden-voiced preacher starts tearing your poor heart out about some underprivileged kid, just couldn't help becoming a murderer, and you change your vote. Well, if that isn't the most sickening - *why don't you drop a quarter in his collection box?*
Juror #5 : [astonished that #3 was accusing him, gets up] Oh, now just wait a minute! Listen, you can't talk to me that! Who do you think you are?
Juror #4 : Now calm down, calm down!
Juror #5 : No, now who do you think you are?
Juror #4 : It doesn't matter. He's very excitable. Just sit down...
Juror #3 : [exploding] "Excitable"? You bet I'm excitable! We're trying to put a guilty man in the chair where he belongs, and then someone starts telling us fairy tales and we're listening!
Juror #1 : Heya, c'mon now.
Juror #3 : [to Juror #5] What made you change your vote?
Juror #9 : He didn't change his vote - *I* did!
Juror #10 : [everyone stares] Ohhh, fine!
Juror #9 : Would you like me to tell ya why?
Juror #7 : No, I wouldn't like you to tell me why.
Juror #9 : Well, I'd like to make it clear anyways, if you don't mind.
Juror #10 : [impatient] Do we *have* to listen to this?
Juror #6 : [firmly] The man wants to talk.
Juror #9 : [to Juror #6] Thank you.
Juror #9 : [motions to Juror #8] This gentleman has been standing alone against us. Now, he doesn't say that the boy is *not* guilty; he just isn't *sure*. Well, it's not easy to stand alone against the ridicule of others, so he gambled for support... and I gave it to him. I respect his motives. The boy is probably guilty, but - eh, I want to hear more. Right now the vote is 10 to 2...
[Juror #7 gets up and heads to the bathroom]
Juror #9 : Now I'm talking here! You have no right to leave this room - !
Juror #8 : [calmly stopping him] He can't hear you, and he never will. Let's sit down.
Juror #4 : I'll take the testimony from right after the murder, when he couldn't remember a thing about the movies, great emotional stress or not.
Juror #8 : I'd like to ask you a personal question.
Juror #4 : Go ahead.
Juror #8 : Where were you last night?
Juror #4 : I was home all night.
Juror #8 : How about the night before that?
Juror #3 : What is this?
Juror #4 : It's all right. I left the office at 8:30 and went straight home and to bed.
Juror #8 : And the night before that?
Juror #4 : That was... Tuesday night. The bridge tournament. I played bridge.
Juror #8 : Monday night?
Juror #3 : When you get to New Year's Eve, 1954, let me know.
Juror #4 : Monday night? Monday night... my wife and I went to the movies.
Juror #8 : What did you see?
Juror #4 : "The Scarlet Circle". A whodunit.
Juror #8 : What was the second feature?
Juror #4 : "The"... I'll tell you in a minute..."The... Remarkable Mrs." something... "Bainbridge". "The Remarkable Mrs. Bainbridge".
Juror #2 : I saw that. It's called "The Amazing Mrs. Bainbridge".
Juror #4 : Yes. "The Amazing Mrs. Bainbridge".
Juror #8 : Who was in "The Amazing Mrs. Bainbridge"?
Juror #4 : Barbara... Long, I think it was. A dark, very pretty girl. Ling or... Long, something like that.
Juror #8 : Who else?
Juror #4 : I'd never heard of them before. It was a very inexpensive second feature, with unknown...
Juror #8 : And you weren't under an emotional stress, were you?
Juror #4 : [slowly, realizing] No. I wasn't.