Frightening & Intense Scenes (6)

  • Moderate
  • Bernard Herrmann's score can be scary and suspenseful. The stabbing violins in the iconic shower scene are startling and intense.
  • This film contains substantial suspense that at times transcends the plot. Although the story is engrossing, a good portion of the atmosphere arises from scenery and music, which alone may frighten younger viewers. This does not take into consideration the film's depictions of violence, that aren't graphic. The most blatant instance of violence occurs relatively early on and serves to heighten the suspense of the rest of the film.
  • Many scenes in the movie are frightening.
  • After Norman's mother side of himself kills Marion, his split personality switches back to himself and he is heard yelling "Oh God!" and "Mother!" The way he says it and the fact that he was the one who killed Marion could make this disturbing and frightening for some viewers.
  • At the very end of the flick Norman is locked in a room, with a fly on his hand, you can hear the moms voice speaking say "She wouldn't even harm a fly..." While Norman gives a creepy smile and the scene fades to a close, you can see the rotten skull of Mrs. Bates very faintly.
  • There is a jump scare scene.