Days of Our Lives (1965– )
Susan Seaforth Hayes: Julie Williams, Julie Olson Williams, Julie Olson, Julie Olson Banning
Hope Brady : Gran, I wonder if Shawn even knows about the wedding.
Alice Grayson Horton : He saw my invitation, dear.
Hope Brady : Did he say anything to you?
Alice Grayson Horton : He was very hurt!
Doug Williams : Why doesn't that bozo wize up and realize that Belle is the one he loves before it's too late?
Julie Williams : Darling, please don't call your grandson a bozo!
Doug Williams : What else do you call a man who allows the love of his life to marry another man?
Alice Grayson Horton : [Jumping in] Doug Williams!
[Pointing a finger at him matter-of-factly]
Doug Williams : [Speechless at first] But I wised up eventually.
Hope Brady : Oh Dad!
Julie Williams : Oh, I think I'm gonna cry.
Alice Grayson Horton : Well, that's what weddings are for, I suppose, to support the tissue industry.
Julie Williams : No Grandma, not tears of joy... Belle is marrying the wrong guy, and everybody here knows it.
Alice Grayson Horton : Maybe she won't marry Phillip after all.
Julie Williams : Wait. Should we call the police?
Bo Brady : I am the police. I got to check this out.