Frances Reid credited as playing...
Alice Horton
- Hope Brady: Gran, I wonder if Shawn even knows about the wedding.
- Alice Grayson Horton: He saw my invitation, dear.
- Hope Brady: Did he say anything to you?
- Alice Grayson Horton: He was very hurt!
- Doug Williams: Why doesn't that bozo wize up and realize that Belle is the one he loves before it's too late?
- Julie Williams: Darling, please don't call your grandson a bozo!
- Doug Williams: What else do you call a man who allows the love of his life to marry another man?
- Alice Grayson Horton: [Jumping in] Doug Williams!
- [Pointing a finger at him matter-of-factly]
- Doug Williams: [Speechless at first] But I wised up eventually.
- Hope Brady: Oh Dad!
- Julie Williams: Oh, I think I'm gonna cry.
- Alice Grayson Horton: Well, that's what weddings are for, I suppose, to support the tissue industry.
- Julie Williams: No Grandma, not tears of joy... Belle is marrying the wrong guy, and everybody here knows it.
- Alice Grayson Horton: Maybe she won't marry Phillip after all.
- Alice Grayson Horton: [to Marlena, asking about Jennifer, who is sleeping on the couch] How is she? Is my granddaughter going to be all right?
- Marlena: Well I hope so. What I said to Maggie is that she needs a big dose of good news about now.
- Hope Brady: [Walking in the door with Bo and Jack] Maybe we can help!
- Maggie Horton: [everyone gasps] Oh my gosh!
- Jack: Jennifer
- Jack: [Jennifer slowly opens her eyes] Jennifer
- Jennifer Rose Horton Deveraux: Jack?
- Jack: Jennifer!
- Jennifer Rose Horton Deveraux: [crying] Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! It is you! You came back to me! You're alive!
- Jack: Yeah, sorry I'm a little late, but I made it
- [Bo helps him to the couch]
- Jack: with a little help from my friends
- [He sits on the couch and embraces Jennifer]
- Jennifer Rose Horton Deveraux: Oh! Oh! Oh! I can't believe they found you!
- Jack: I can't believe you made it yourself!
- Jennifer Rose Horton Deveraux: Oh, it feels so good to hold you Jack! I thought I lost you forever.
- Jack: I thought I lost you.
- [they kiss]
- Jack: [looking down at Jennifer's belly] Wait a minute, where's the baby? where's the baby? where's the baby? what happened to the baby?
- Jennifer Rose Horton Deveraux: Listen to me, the baby, he is... he is fine. He's perfect.
- Jack: He's fine? Good. He's fine?
- [suddenly realizing the baby is a boy]
- Jack: He's a he. He's a he. We had a he! We had a he!
- [everyone laughing]
- Jennifer Rose Horton Deveraux: We had a he!
- Jack: We had a he! Where is he? I wanna see my boy! We had a he! I had a he!
- Jennifer Rose Horton Deveraux: It's time you meet him Jack!
- Maggie Horton: [bringing the baby to them] He's anxious to meet his daddy.
- Jennifer Rose Horton Deveraux: Oh Jack!
- Jack: Oh there he is!
- [taking him into his arms]
- Jack: Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!
- Jack: [pause... baby crying] He looks just like... WE!
- [everyone laughing]
- Jack: [they kiss] Oh, baby!