- [opening narration]
- Dr. Thomas "Tom" Horton Sr.: Like sands through the hourglass... so are the Days of Our Lives.
- Victor: [To Nicole after Brady rejects her for Chloe] You know Nicole, at the end of the opera the rejected lover hangs herself. You'll let me know if you need any rope.
- [Sami Brady is dressed as Marilyn Monroe]
- Lucas Roberts: There she is, the star of "How to Blackmail a Millionaire" and "The Seven-Year Bitch".
- Sami: If I wasn't so mad at you, I'd have sex on the bar with you.
- [EJ gives look slightly towards camera, as if he was speechless]
- [John explains to Marlena that they are too connected to the serial-killer suspects]
- John: Doc, listen. Sami is your daughter. Rex is your son. My son is living in Nicole and Victor's house. Kate is my employee. Lucas is Will's father. Tony is my half-brother and they're all suspects.
- Bo Brady: Hold on. Just out of curiosity, have you logged any flight time in a jalopy like this?
- John Black: It's been a couple years. Of course, the last time I flew, it didn't have as many doohickeys and gadgets, but that's a minor detail.
- Bo Brady: Doohickeys and - I'm glad to see you're well-versed in the technical terms. I'm full of confidence. Not.
- Mickey Horton: What KIND of gun was it?
- Jack Deveraux: It's the kind that you pull the trigger and it shoots.
- Nicole: [to Kate and Sami] Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble - Salem witches in a huddle.
- Jack Deveraux: I'll just be on my way. There are widows to fleece, mortgages to foreclose on, and heroines to tie to the track. Busy, busy, busy.
- Nicole: Tell me, H, what is wrong with this picture?
- Henderson: Madam, where should I began?
- [Hope, who has just returned home, asks about Shawn]
- Hope Brady: I haven't even met his roommate. What kind of name is Dozer anyway?
- Bo Brady: Dozer isn't his roommate anymore. It's Rex?
- Hope Brady: What kind of name is Rex?
- [Recognition dawns on her]
- Hope Brady: Wait, is that the Rex who is a genetically engineered human who was formerly an alien living in our garage?
- Bo Brady: Yep.
- Hope Brady: [sighing] Boy, I have a lot of catching up to do.
- [opening sequence: Salem police officer guarding Steve in hospital, doing crossword puzzle]
- Policeman: What's a five-letter word for "enigma?"
- Steven 'Patch' Johnson: What do I look like, Webster's Unabridged?
- Bo Brady: [walking in] Try "Steve."
- Sami Brady: Whoa.
- Mimi: What are you doing here? Don't you have some rock you can climb under?
- Sami Brady: That's not a very nice thing to say, Mimi.
- Mimi: I don't have any reason to be nice to you. All this fighting tonight is your fault. You're the reason that Rex got mad at me, and you're the reason that Philip found out about Belle and Shawn being up on the roof together.
- Sami Brady: Actually, you have no one to blame but yourself. If you hadn't gotten caught in all your lies, none of this would have happened.
- Mimi: Oh, funny, you accusing me of lying when you're Salem's all-time champ.
- Sami Brady: Look, Meems, listen up, if I were in your shaky shoes, I'd be a lot nicer to me - a lot nicer. In fact, I'd also be looking over my shoulder, too. Be very, very careful how you treat me, Mimi.
- Jan: [to nicole, after killing victor] We killed someone! So now we're gonna go to hell!
- Kristen: Where'd he go?
- Vivian: This is no time to speculate. Accept your fate, finish packing, get the hell out of Sale...
- Kristen: Oh, wait a second! Wait! If John's not here, it means he won't be here when Marlena arrives!
- Vivian: Kristen, you are buying seconds, nothing more. Come with me now before it gets worse!
- Kristen: Worse? What could possibly be worse than this? What could possibly happen?
- [after Henderson disrespects her]
- Nicole: I will have respect!
- Victor: When hell freezes over.
- Hope Brady: Gran, I wonder if Shawn even knows about the wedding.
- Alice Grayson Horton: He saw my invitation, dear.
- Hope Brady: Did he say anything to you?
- Alice Grayson Horton: He was very hurt!
- Doug Williams: Why doesn't that bozo wize up and realize that Belle is the one he loves before it's too late?
- Julie Williams: Darling, please don't call your grandson a bozo!
- Doug Williams: What else do you call a man who allows the love of his life to marry another man?
- Alice Grayson Horton: [Jumping in] Doug Williams!
- [Pointing a finger at him matter-of-factly]
- Doug Williams: [Speechless at first] But I wised up eventually.
- Hope Brady: Oh Dad!
- Julie Williams: Oh, I think I'm gonna cry.
- Alice Grayson Horton: Well, that's what weddings are for, I suppose, to support the tissue industry.
- Julie Williams: No Grandma, not tears of joy... Belle is marrying the wrong guy, and everybody here knows it.
- Alice Grayson Horton: Maybe she won't marry Phillip after all.
- [talking about baby Claire's ailment]
- Bonnie Lockhart: Babies can really surprise you. Your father dropped you on your head at least three or four times.
- Mimi: That explains a lot.
- [Austin confronts Lucas about his alleged drinking problem]
- Lucas: I don't have a drinking problem... I have a Sami problem.
- Sami Brady: [opening the door wearing an ugly bathrobe, thinking it's Lucas] Lucas! I hope you don't mind what I'm wearing.
- Kate Roberts: What's that? The latest in sexy lingere... I'm sorry, I mean, you would look absolutely adorable even if you were wearing a paper bag, Sami.
- [trying to keep the peace with Sami for Lucas' sake]
- Sami Brady: I don't have time for this, you get your Botox butt and get out of... I mean, thank you, Kate for the sweet and sincere complement!
- Kate Roberts: Hmmm, well I was just dropping by to make sure Lucas wasn't... to see if Lucas was here.
- Sami Brady: No he's not, thank God!
- Kate Roberts: Oh Really?
- Sami Brady: Yeah, why don't you try his place. He's probably over there.
- Kate Roberts: Yeah, well as long as he's not with you... I mean thank you for your help, I hope you have a really lousy... lovely evening, Sami.
- Sami Brady: Well at least I don't have sex for money... oh I mean see ya next time, Kate honey.
- Innkeeper: Where have you been?
- Bart Biederbicke: Still looking for Deveraux... you seen any sign of him?
- Innkeeper: He seemed to have vanished... how, I don't know.
- Bart Biederbicke: All right, we got men posted at all the exits, all right, I hand-picked them myself, so you know they're plenty sharp.
- Innkeeper: Even if he escapes the inn, at this time in the mountains, he can't go through. He won't go too far.
- Bart Biederbicke: Good.
- Jack: [Sneaking to the window after they leave]
- [Quietly to himself, but directed at them]
- Jack: Don't be so sure. You obviously never saw the end of the Sound of Music.
- [as he jumps out the window]
- Sami Brady: [to Kate] I have a friend who is keeping an eye on Victor and Nicole for me.
- Kate Roberts: You have a friend?
- Jack Deveraux: Oh, that would only leave more food for you, wouldn't it? Not that you need it!
- Eve Donovan: What's that supposed to mean?
- Jack Deveraux: Well, you've been hitting the old feed bag a lot lately, haven't you?
- Eve Donovan: Are you calling me FAT? You WIMP STRING BEAN! Do you hear that? Not only am I a thief, but I'm a FAT THIEF!
- Victor: [to Kate] You know, for some one who loves their children so much, you certainly seem to do them a terrible disservice.
- [to Sami on the day of Doug's funeral]
- Julie: Sami, if you're trying to make me feel better, it's not working.
- Nicole: [to Sami] You always lose, but you never accept it.
- [after disguising herself and stealing a document from Carrie's office in L.A]
- Nicole: Oh, Nicole - that chick on Alias has got nothing on you.
- Brady: Nancy? For a minute there, I - I thought I saw...
- Nancy Wesley: Chloe?
- Brady: Yeah.
- Nancy Wesley: I passed a girl earlier that reminded me of her very much, too.
- Brady: I admit, I've been feeling Chloe's presence here tonight. So I guess when I saw that girl, I thought I was having a Christmas miracle.
- Nancy Wesley: It's understandable. Miracles do happen at Christmas.
- Brady: Yeah, well, not for me. Chloe's gone. She's not coming back.
- [Nicole has just finished telling Lucas that Eric is stalking her]
- Lucas: Oh wait, you know what I should do? I want to give you a number, the guy's a private security investigator at Titan. I want you to call him
- [Gretta approaches]
- Lucas: if Eric continues to stalk you in anyway.
- Gretta: Is that what you told him Nicole - that Eric is stalking you? My God how could you lie that way after you came to my house and got down on your knees and begged me to help save your marriage to Lucas. What the Hell is really going on here?
- [Shawn, Belle and Phillip on Mimi's lot for the first time]
- Shawn: Well say something Phil. You like it, you hate it?
- Phillip: I don't know man, it's kinda gloomy.
- Belle: Oh no! Not you too! This is getting old.
- Phillip: I'm serious. It is a sunny hot day, so why's it so dark back here?
- Shawn: Seems to be the burning question, isn't it?
- Belle: Would you two stop, okay! It's shade! You know how trees create shade by blocking the sun by their many branches and leaves. Even you two nincompoops can grasp that subject!
- Philip Kiriakis: [to Belle] For as long as I've known you, you've had this old soul thing going, all wise and good, taking care of other at the expense of yourself...
- Belle Black: Philip, you're making me sound like Yoda.
- Belle Black: Sometimes guys don't think before they open their mouths and end up saying something stupid, which is why our brains have to work overtime.
- Belle Black: Do you believe everything a beautiful girl tells you?
- Shawn Brady: Well, I believe everything you tell me.
- Belle Black: Good answer!
- Hattie: Dr. Stiner will you help me? I'm putting myself in your hands.
- Rolf: Hattie, there is too much of you to fit in my hands.
- Nancy: Mimi, open this door.
- Mimi: I can't!
- Nancy: What's wrong?
- Chloe: Maybe she's stuck.
- Nancy: Mimi the door is locked from your side. Mimi, unlock it and open this door.
- Mimi: I would if I could.
- Nancy: Use your hands, they're not painted on.
- Chloe: You never know!
- Mimi: Oh my gosh. That wasn't, that wasn't shampoo, that was super glue!
- [blood curdling scream]
- Craig: What's going on?
- Chloe: Boys! They're stupid, insensitive and annoying!
- Craig: Congratulations! You're becoming perfectly normal.
- Rex: Mimi, I just got done talking to Shawn.
- Mimi: And I just talked to Belle. But I don't care what they say, I still believe that they belong together.
- Rex: You know what? You are going off the deep end here... you are going to have to let this go, okay, Belle is committed to marrying Phillip. And Shawn has told me he's ready to move on with his life so there's nothing else you can do.
- Mimi: Don't be so sure.
- Rex: Mimi, what are you talking about?
- Mimi: What if I said that I could prove to those two that their whole breakup was totally manipulated... that Shawn was brainwashed into thinking he had lost Belle to his best friend.
- Rex: Then I'd say you've been watching too much Daytime TV. Stuff like that only happens on... what, what's that show called? What is it, Passions? This is real life Meems, not some soap opera. And you're going to have to accept the reality that some relationships don't work out.
- Mimi: I wish everybody would stop saying that. I don't have to accept anything. Shawn and Belle are my best friends and I'm going to prove to them that their love is written in the stars... that they're meant to be together... Just like us. I love you so much Rex, and I'm going to show you and everyone else that it's all going to work out... you'll see.
- Doug Williams: [talking to Hope] Yeah. The old days, you were a teenager, and you were chasing after a bad boy named Bo Brady.
- Bo Brady: And I was smart not to let you catch me.