142 reviews
I have watched sporadic episodes of DOOL since 1966 - yeah! I'm THAT old....funny thing is, MacDonald Carey was getting-on on even then! Tuned-in perhaps to every four hundred episodes on average (I admit to having a dry spell when ABBA were big - missed every episode from 1972 to 1979) the next time I caught the thing, in a doctor's surgery - while my wife was waiting to have an ultra-sound, it seemed to me nothing had changed. Now call me picky, but any show you can pick-up on having missed way more than 1000 episodes has to be something less than enthralling entertainment.
What IS it's fascination? Who knows? probably different things to different people, but I imagine its core devotees simply get their fix artificially enhancing their own plebeian existences by living through and sharing the fantasy lives of their chosen characters. Not that different really to peering over your neighbor's fence to find something else to talk about to "Doris" across the road! In terms of artistic merit, DOOL doesn't crack the big time. In terms of staying power, yeah, ya gotta admire the thing.
What IS it's fascination? Who knows? probably different things to different people, but I imagine its core devotees simply get their fix artificially enhancing their own plebeian existences by living through and sharing the fantasy lives of their chosen characters. Not that different really to peering over your neighbor's fence to find something else to talk about to "Doris" across the road! In terms of artistic merit, DOOL doesn't crack the big time. In terms of staying power, yeah, ya gotta admire the thing.
I am soooo disappointed in the dumb super natural line Days is taking! It is horrible and who invented the red eyes and that dumb voice? Can't you come up with something real!!! Thinking about stopping watching... soon! I keep thinking it is going to get better but it doesn't!!! UGH!!!
- katallen-66455
- Jan 17, 2022
- Permalink
I have loved DOOL but as I say- this devil plot is about the laziest thing writers could come up with. And it's super boring. Johnny is a bad actor too. I'm no longer watching live so that I can fast forward through Johnny stiff.
- lisakilkenny-31720
- Mar 21, 2022
- Permalink
Days of Our Lives is yes, a little silly at times, but i find it addicting. I started watching during Christmas break of my sophomore year and now, a 47 year old woman, i still find the show irresistible. At times the story lines can become a little far-fetched (ex. the Salem Stalker) but that's why i turn the show on everyday. It gives me a break from reality and lets me explore a completely different world. Some may find it a little bit silly, but that makes it all the more exciting. If you want to watch Days of our Lives, I say start now because there's a lot to learn. This show has been running since 1965 and I've loved every minute of it.
- kirstyleigh64
- Jan 2, 2006
- Permalink
I just don't understand how they can take a show and just make it a total ridiculous mess.. I get its a soap opera and I know things are a little unbelievable but come on writers you should be embarrassed to call this a storyline satan devil crap. I'm done.. I'm sure there are people who believe this fiction but just too much..
- smithdjcell
- Apr 26, 2022
- Permalink
I have been a loyal watcher of Days for over 30 years. Some of the plot lines have gone off track but there was always something to bring me back. The current resurrection of the Marlena possession is making me reconsider my loyalty to Days.
I used to watch because my girlfriend used to like the show. We both are wondering why the writers have jumped in time by a bunch twice that we know of in the past couple of years and not to the positive. You're changing the characters and the way they act with little or no explanation. And the Hope/ Princess thing is lame and terrible acting. Get it together!!!
- MCRider110
- Nov 29, 2019
- Permalink
As a mother who has lost a child, I think DOOL's portrayal of Hope's and Bo's grief and anger was very realistic. I've been a fan of Days since the late 70's. Some story lines and actors are better than others but on the whole is is engaging and often deals with current issues. Frequently though, the story lines drag and are plots are repeated. There could be less of the cutesy early 20 somethings, and more middle-aged characters. I don't think there's one ugly man on the show and the women are all gorgeous. Bringing back Steve and Kayla is really fascinating to me and a great idea. Steve Johnson and his love Kayla were like the "Beauty and the Beast"; it was one of the best love stories on daytime TV. May Hope be carrying Bo's baby...although I don't know how old she is supposed to be. May Sami get what's coming to her...LUCAS. May Jack live forever!
Why are all of the main characters leaving the show? This seems to be a"thing" that the writers do every few years when they can't figure out how to move a story line from point A to point B. However, with so many leaving ,ie Gabi and Rafe, Will and Sonny. Now, suddenly Eric decides to go to Africa and we are still wondering if we will actually find Ciara! We have gotten the old new Abby back again, which I think is a good move! But we know that we will soon be loosing Hope. We have no good story lines for the, forgive me, younger set. Ben and Ciara were the Hope and Beau of this generation but .... Chad and Abby are always good together! But without Gabi... Hope without Rafe... All we are left with is A raging John and the long suffering Marlena! Please! The writers need help! Desperately!
- platzl-12357
- Sep 23, 2020
- Permalink
I used to tape Days of our Lives every week day and watch all 5 episodes on the weekend. But since Marlena and John were sacked the show hasn't been the same. When they were on air both were forced to play some silly roles such as Marlena being possessed and John becoming a Stefano Dimera clone, but when they were given decent story lines they brought a degree of maturity to the show that was a pleasure to watch. Now it's all males standing around with their shirts off and teenage heart throb traumas which has given the show a trashy flavour. Tom and Alice Horton must be turning in their graves. I wish the writers would bring John and Marlena back and cut out some of the characters who are just window dressing. In fact more of the long time characters in this show also seem to be getting axed in 2010. It has beside many of their names on the IBMD list 1986-2010 which means that they are leaving in 2010? Is that right? I am very disappointed with what they have done to this classic soap.
- heartbeat43
- Aug 6, 2010
- Permalink
I absolutely adore this show! I stumbled upon it by accident in 1999 on a school lunch break and have been hooked ever since! Sky One cruelly axed it and then Channel 5 picked it up - unfortunately this was only a brief period.
Its been off UK screens until - I SALUTE YOU - Zone Romantica for bringing Days Of Our Lives back into OUR lives! Its roughly a year thats past in episodes so its easy catch up on. Yes the story lines, sets and acting are very comical at times - thats just what makes it so addictive. I loved the whole Garden of Eden storyline with Greta and Austin - oh how I wish Carrie would come back and get Austin away from Sammie! Anyway the Princess Gina thing was so good! I really hope Marlena starts her radio agony aunt show again - that was classic! Well enjoy people - Zone Romantica weekdays 9am, 2.40pm & 9pm (sky digital channel 149)
Its been off UK screens until - I SALUTE YOU - Zone Romantica for bringing Days Of Our Lives back into OUR lives! Its roughly a year thats past in episodes so its easy catch up on. Yes the story lines, sets and acting are very comical at times - thats just what makes it so addictive. I loved the whole Garden of Eden storyline with Greta and Austin - oh how I wish Carrie would come back and get Austin away from Sammie! Anyway the Princess Gina thing was so good! I really hope Marlena starts her radio agony aunt show again - that was classic! Well enjoy people - Zone Romantica weekdays 9am, 2.40pm & 9pm (sky digital channel 149)
- sallyfrench02
- Oct 18, 2007
- Permalink
I started watching this in high school and it used to pass the time. Now with Tivo I watch 6 soaps (Y&R, ATWT, GH, OLTL, AMC & DOOL)... out of all the soaps, Days is definitely the worst BY FAR. It's uneventful, boring and slow. Really naive and repetitive story lines. They drag nonsense out for months and even years sometimes. I literally fast forward every episode, to the point that it takes me a minute to understand the point of the whole episode. It's just dreadful. I was so excited that the Dimera storyline finally ended years ago, but now it's back. WHY? The Dimera storyline is so horrible and boring and unrealistic. Days really needs to pay attention to General Hospital and see what a soap can do... it CAN be fast-paced and engaging!
- cOOkie_714
- Aug 13, 2007
- Permalink
I have watched the days of our lives since I was ten years old. I admit that some of the story lines are completely outlandish, like the one about eight years back about Marlena getting possessed by Satan, but for some unknown reason, I cant stop watching this show. The love for this show seems to be an epidemic in my high school as well, among both guys and girls. I never really watched a soap opera before this one, except for Another World. The show's contract with NBC comes under review in 2004. Myself, as well as many other diehard Days fans, are holding their breath praying that they renew it.
Chester's Rating: ********/10
Chester's Rating: ********/10
- chester-gray
- Jan 27, 2003
- Permalink
Google for Jack and Jennifer clips (and Steve and Kayla) and you will come across a goldmine of clips that will tell you the entire story of the Johnson family - from Steve's arrival onto the show to Jack and Jennifer's first wedding.
And, oh my, if there isn't a boatload of pain, heartache... from Joy garrett's achingly wonderful portrayal of Jo Johnson, to Steve Nichols and Matt Ashford playing long-lost-brothers with so much history of pain between them.
Matt Ashford is one of the best actors out there, and Steve Nichols is incredible too. Watching the two interact has always been a treat.
Ken Corday let go of an incredible amount of potential for amazing storytelling when he decided that "Jack" had to leave with "Jennifer".
Days today is all about the couples. The only time people interact with others is to whine about their significant other, or plot to steal someone elses significant other.
There is no more warm and loving family or friend interaction for the sake of it, and that is the glue that holds the show together.
I'm saddened to see that a show that I watched from 1965-1992 and then started watching again when Steve and Matt and Mary Beth returned is still going to be so terrible.
It's not too late for NBC to fix this, but I'm guessing these pleas will fall on deaf ears.
And, oh my, if there isn't a boatload of pain, heartache... from Joy garrett's achingly wonderful portrayal of Jo Johnson, to Steve Nichols and Matt Ashford playing long-lost-brothers with so much history of pain between them.
Matt Ashford is one of the best actors out there, and Steve Nichols is incredible too. Watching the two interact has always been a treat.
Ken Corday let go of an incredible amount of potential for amazing storytelling when he decided that "Jack" had to leave with "Jennifer".
Days today is all about the couples. The only time people interact with others is to whine about their significant other, or plot to steal someone elses significant other.
There is no more warm and loving family or friend interaction for the sake of it, and that is the glue that holds the show together.
I'm saddened to see that a show that I watched from 1965-1992 and then started watching again when Steve and Matt and Mary Beth returned is still going to be so terrible.
It's not too late for NBC to fix this, but I'm guessing these pleas will fall on deaf ears.
I was drawn into Days in Dec. '06 when Chelsea was treating Nick horribly - just before he turned into 'The Lonely Splicer'. For a few days, I turned it on just waiting for that storyline.
Then I met Bo - which shocked me as he looks so much like my husband. Eventually, I recognized Steve from an episode of The Nanny (as I'd never watched ANY soaps before this...) Then I followed religiously the Shawn and Belle escape from Phillip (who I couldn't stand at the time) and Sami and Lucas's wedding triangle.
Now! I'm all about Phillip and Belle!! Since I'm new (?) perhaps, I never saw much chemistry between Belle and Shawn. I think Phillip's macho side is a more "normal" alpha-male - just determined and pained looking at times --- all that money weighing him down??! It seems totally realistic to me that Belle would be hard pressed to ignore the support and safety Phillip could provide - nature calls! I've been reading that regular fans are unhappy with Belle's new promiscuous side - but, this is a Soap Opera, right? Anyway, since enjoying this show so much, I've put some time into the other Soaps, but this one seems in a higher class altogether. The parenting tidbits of advice actually help me with my kids! (and spouse!) I guess just feel like I can relate to the characters - despite whatever plot mechanism is underplay.
Thanks to all who work for this show!!!!!!
Then I met Bo - which shocked me as he looks so much like my husband. Eventually, I recognized Steve from an episode of The Nanny (as I'd never watched ANY soaps before this...) Then I followed religiously the Shawn and Belle escape from Phillip (who I couldn't stand at the time) and Sami and Lucas's wedding triangle.
Now! I'm all about Phillip and Belle!! Since I'm new (?) perhaps, I never saw much chemistry between Belle and Shawn. I think Phillip's macho side is a more "normal" alpha-male - just determined and pained looking at times --- all that money weighing him down??! It seems totally realistic to me that Belle would be hard pressed to ignore the support and safety Phillip could provide - nature calls! I've been reading that regular fans are unhappy with Belle's new promiscuous side - but, this is a Soap Opera, right? Anyway, since enjoying this show so much, I've put some time into the other Soaps, but this one seems in a higher class altogether. The parenting tidbits of advice actually help me with my kids! (and spouse!) I guess just feel like I can relate to the characters - despite whatever plot mechanism is underplay.
Thanks to all who work for this show!!!!!!
The Days of Our Lives may not be the best soap on the air but it is certainly one of the most entertaining hours of television. You can't take this show seriously because it's outrageous. My family and I have watched this show for 20 plus years for the sheer enjoyment and entertainment value. We knew John Aniston before he was Jennifer Aniston's father as Victor Kiriakis. We love Frances Reid as the beloved matriarch Alice Horton. Deirdre Hall still looks great in her 50s. You could dress her in rags and she'll still look great. The cast has featured long term actors and actresses in roles we love. We love these couples too. Of course, you can't take anything on this show seriously but that's because we already take life too seriously. The show has one of the strongest fan bases around. If you want to argue, just go look at the results of the Soap Opera Digest Awards. Days has swept those award ceremonies for years. Who cares if the story lines are ridiculous like Marlena's possession and that she was the secret killer of so many beloved characters on the show. Ironically, they all went to a secret island somewhere like Lost long before that show came on the air. I was just happy that they were alive somewhere that I didn't care about the logic of it. We wanted them to be alive living somewhere. The show will never be the classic like Young and the Restless has been over the years. If you want fun, you will watch Days of Our Lives because regardless of the show's story lines which are outrageous, the cast pulls it off better than any ensemble around. NBC, if you are reading, soaps are a part of the American culture and should be around forever.
- Sylviastel
- Feb 1, 2007
- Permalink
I started watching this regularly in the 1970s, but haven't watched in a decade or so. Now that I'm older, the melodrama, the snail's pace and the young actors aren't appealing. I LOVE this show because they bring back the veteran actors.
Anyway, when I remember, I watch the show on Christmas day. The characters used to gather round the tree and gaze at the ornaments with their names on them and reminisce.
I loved MacDonald Carey and Frances and miss their sense of stability on a show full of divorce, murder and mayhem. Nice contrast that's missing now.
Anyway, when I remember, I watch the show on Christmas day. The characters used to gather round the tree and gaze at the ornaments with their names on them and reminisce.
I loved MacDonald Carey and Frances and miss their sense of stability on a show full of divorce, murder and mayhem. Nice contrast that's missing now.
- Beauchamps
- Oct 6, 2007
- Permalink
Ah, the alternate universe of Salem. Acting and production values that might pass muster in a high school play. The same set of plastic greenery representing a beach, a city park, a desert island, or a street in Italy. Demonic possession is rampant in Salem of late, with Satan infecting various citizens. It's good thing certain characters can masquerade so effectively as gun-toting nuns or priests. Wiki data lists character occupations as "femme fatale/business executive/waitress" and "race car driver/politician/business executive" for billion dollar corporations. Where are the thousands of toiling wage slaves making Basic Black haute couture and Countess Wilhelmina cosmetics the global brands they are? Do they get to enjoy those nonstop flights to Italy or South Africa from the Salem International Airport? Why are there never labor unrest issues troubling these "executives?" Every few weeks the unbearable character of Susan Banks appears, babbling incoherently in prop buck teeth (played with relish by the same actress who plays Kristin DiMera in one of the most annoying performances ever preserved on film.) Residents of Salem can also avail themselves of magic rubber masks that not only change facial appearance but incredibly replicate someone else's height, weight, voice tone, past memories, and fashion sense. And don't forget the human-sized talking teddy bear; dirty mob dealings by the docks; people perishing in building collapses or car crashes who return from the dead; and not one but TWO Salem residents who have identical twins in prison. There's poor Sarah Horton who constantly bursts into tears over her shaky love life while ignoring her complex duties as premier brain surgeon. A world famous opera diva who never treats us to a tune. And a young man (who spent perhaps a week in medical school) saving patients because the head of the hospital is undercover as a crime fighting nun. As one Salem police officer memorably put it "I love fighting crime, but I need to take a shower first."
I watched all of them one time or another bold and beautiful young and the restless especially General Hospital all of them their story lines go so slow you get bored with days of our lives there's always something happening storylines go fast definitely the best one out there so if you like soap operas watch because they will get canceled if nobody watches no matter how good the shows are. I watched all of them one time or another bold and beautiful young in the restless especially General Hospital all of them their storylines go so slow and get bored with days of our lives there's always something happening storylines go fast definitely the best one out there so if you like soap operas watch because they will get canceled if nobody watches no matter how good the shows are
- shelbythuylinh
- Dec 2, 2021
- Permalink
I have been watching since 1975. The past 2 years have just been awful. The killing off of some major characters,bad acting with new characters. Kids went from 10 to 18 over night. Claire sings horrible!Phillip and Belle have no chemistry at all. Theresa and Brady are about the best thing left on the show. Bo being replaced by Rafe is unreal. No one can break up Hope and Bo. Sammy and Jack that was a major loss. Stephano I do admit had to go. Daniel dying was the end of my rope. The whole show has just been so unbelievable. I guess it is time for me to move on because this show just puts me too sleep now.I can stop watching for weeks and catch back up within minutes. I do not know where the writers heads are but obviously not on the story line. Unless this is their way of ending the show.
- robyn-78633
- May 1, 2016
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