When the gunman is first revealed in Chen's apartment, Tang Lung beats the guy all over, but never hits his face. Later when the gunman is being chewed out, he's shown with a bandaged forehead, two bruised cheeks and a black eye.
At the beginning of the movie, Bruce Lee is eating several different types of soups and several times he takes a spoonful of an orange colored soup and as he puts it into his mouth some dribbles on his chin. The soup he dribbles on his chin is white.
In an early fight scene at the restaurant, one of the protection racket heavies shapes up to Lee's character. He's seen apathetically in a boxing stance of sorts. When Lee performs a roundhouse kick, the scene (from behind the 'thug') clearly shows him with his arms behind his back and hands near/on his hips so that the kick is delivered unchallenged. He then clearly waves his arms forward from that position to up in the air, which creates a more dramatic effect as to the power of the kick, i.e. knocking him that far off balance.
A few mistakes after the arena fight : Colt's body location changes (look at the walls nearby). When Tang Lung walks away (from the wide view), Colt's legs are close each either and his right hand is on his belly ; however, when Tang Lung comes back with the jacket and the belt, Colt's legs are wide spread, and his right hand is now on his right breast.
Tang Lung picks up Colt's Black Belt and Gi Jacket. The belt is hanging loosely from the rear and then folded neatly from the front.
When after the final fight where the police come to arrest the mafia boss all of the vehicles seem to be right hand drive including the boss' Mercedes, silver NSU sedan and the police cars. This is clearly incorrect for Italy which switched to left hand drive nearly 50 years prior. Most likely this scene were shot in Hong Kong which as a former British colony used right hand drive vehicles from the beginning.
When Tang Lung beats up the gunman in the apartment, he jumps between his head and snaps it to the side. This should have broken his neck, but it doesn't.
When Tang Lung beats up the gunman in the apartment, he jumps between his head and snaps it to the side. This should have broken his neck.
After Ollie's (the gunman's) failed attempt to kill Tang Lung with a rifle, he then tries to kill him by shooting through the rooftop with a semi automatic pistol. He shoots five shots and runs out of ammo. However, when a semi automatic pistol runs out of ammo, the slide locks back. Ollie's pistol doesn't do this. Instead, the slide returns and he is able to click the trigger, not knowing he ran out.
In the English subtitles, Lung is frequently criticized for not knowing English. But since the movie takes place in Rome, it should be Italian. Moreover, in the Cantonese version, the Italians speak English as well.
Tang Lung is looking at Colt from a long distance when in the Ancient Roman stadium. Colt is seen standing on one of the open rectangular stadium windows. The next scene when Colt is seen he is shown not to be surrounded by anything but the clouds and skies.
In the opening credits as the movie starts it states "Directed and Scriped" by Bruce Lee. "Scripted" is misspelled.
In the opening credits it lists "Directed and Scriped" by Bruce Lee. It should read "Scripted", with a T.
While Tang is fighting thugs in the alley with his nunchaku, he swings them several times hitting the thugs and the nunchaku swing all the way round fluidly. In reality, when nunchaku hit a solid object, they will bounce off the object struck and go in the opposite direction, forcing the operator of the nunchaku to change his or her swinging and wrist motion.
As Colt was on the ground in the climatic events of the famous fight scene he had a limp hand, eventhough Tang Lung didn't hit him in the hand, but his forearm.
When the gunman is first revealed in Chen's apartment, Tang Lung beats the guy all over, but never hits his face. Later when the gunman is being chewed out, he's shown with a bandaged forehead, two bruised cheeks and a black eye.
The route to the apartment is strange. First they pass by the Piazza del Popolo, which is far north Rome city central, then the Coliseum, which is on the opposite side of town, southeast. They head in the direction they just came from to the Momento a Vittorio Emanuele II (northwest), a short distance southwest to the Campidogllo, then heading back up northwest in the middle of the city to the Trevi Fountain.
Although IMDB has Robert Wall's character listed as "Bob" on the "Way of the Dragon" page, on certain video versions of this movie, his character is listed in the closing credits as "Fred." However, in the movie when Colt introduces Wall's character to the head boss, he introduces him as "Rob."
Chen Ching-hua claims that the Hundred Fountains in the Villa d'Este were built by an ancient king for his queen. The entire gardens were actually built by Ippolito II d'Este, who was not a king, but a Catholic cardinal, and thus not allowed to marry. (Of course, Chen may simply be making up this story in order to suggest the idea of romance to Tang Lung.)