- [last lines]
- Ah Quen: In this world of guns and knives, Tang Lung is the one who walks the lonely road.
- Ho: Please, we are friends! Tang Lung is our enemy. Please wait for our boss to come back to decide which one of you will take care of that chinaman. Okay?
- [the Japanese fighter spits, which enrages Bob Fred. They start fighting again]
- Ho: Ahhhh! Ohh, oh, no, don't, stop it! Oh, ohh, stop it! Stop it!
- Boss: STOP IT!
- [the fighting stops. Bob Fred spots Colt with the Mob boss and walks over]
- Fred: Sensei!
- [bows]
- Colt: [smirks] Bob's my student.
- Boss: What I want, I get. And I want that restaurant!
- Ho: Yes, Boss. Yes, Boss.
- Boss: "Yes, Boss. Yes, Boss." Haven't you wasted enough time!
- Ho: But I... but I always do my best.
- Boss: Then how you failed?
- Ho: Ah! I found that they're being helped by a man named... Tang Lung.
- Boss: A man? Only *one* man?
- Ho: Ahh, but this man knows Chinese Gung-Fu.
- Boss: [incredulously] Kung-Fu?
- 'Uncle' Wang: Look at it from my point of view. I have to do this. I have to do it! Muahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa...
- Thug: Mamma Mia!
- Tony: [after being stabbed by Uncle Wang] Uncle Wang, why did you...?
- 'Uncle' Wang: Don't blame me for all of this. The blame is on Ah-Lung. He stirred up this trouble, the fool!
- Tony: What does this... what does this mean?
- 'Uncle' Wang: What does this mean? You must know. I've worked hard all of my life. And I've got nothing at all to show for it! My own wife and children are waiting for me in Hong Kong. If the restaurant cooperates, they'll pay me well for all of this. After that I can go back to Hong Kong a rich man. So you see, I have to do this. I have to do it!
- [laughs maniacally]
- Chen Ching Hua: How do you like this place?
- Tang Lung: Its a waste. All of this. In Hong Kong, I would build on it. Make money.
- Ah Quen: They've been learning karate since before Mr. Chen died so they can deal with those damn thugs.
- Tang Lung: How about you?
- Ah Quen: Eh! I'm not interested in foreign martial arts.
- Tang Lung: Eh, it doesn't matter if it's foreign. If it teaches you to use your body in a fight, and beat your opponent with all your might, and in the way you want to, it doesn't matter where it comes from.
- Kitten: Doesn't know who to Cheer for
- Chen Ching Hua: You're my uncle's friend after all. So please consider this your home. Let me know if you need anything.
- Tang Lung: May I use your toilet?
- Chen Ching Hua: They've got some thugs watching us day and night, and when customers come in, these thugs threaten and scare them all away. I can't do anything. I'm helpless.
- Chen Ching Hua: How can you help me? What can you do?
- Tang Lung: Hey! We're like family here. Don't worry. I know I can help you.
- Chen Ching Hua: Yes, but how? You don't even know the problem.
- Tang Lung: You can tell me about it later. For now, please tell me where the restroom is.
- 'Uncle' Wang: Hey, don't get ahead of yourselves. Now that they've been beaten, they'll come after us for revenge.
- Ah Quen: So what? With Tang Lung on our side, those damn thugs won't be so confident next time.
- 'Uncle' Wang: Oh, please. You men understand nothing. Remember the saying: "You can't beat someone on their home ground." This is their home ground, they are the locals. This is their territory. We are under their control. So we need to be even more careful. They'll be back and we must be ready for them.
- Tony: Don't worry. We have a dragon on our side.
- Jimmy: Everyone says you're fast and very powerful. Well, that's not what I saw last night. But I do remember you telling us we've got to learn to use our hips and body weight efficiently. So, let's see you do it then.