The Exorcist (1973) Poster


Jason Miller: Father Karras



  • Demon : What an excellent day for an exorcism.

    Father Karras : You would like that?

    Demon : Intensely.

    Father Karras : But wouldn't that drive you out of Regan?

    Demon : It would bring us together.

    Father Karras : You and Regan?

    Demon : You and us.

  • [repeated lines] 

    Father Merrin , Father Karras : The Power of Christ compels you!

  • Father Karras : Why her? Why this girl?

    Father Merrin : I think the point is to make us despair. To see ourselves as... animal and ugly. To make us reject the possibility that God could love us.

  • Demon : I'm not Regan.

    Father Karras : Well, then let's introduce ourselves. I'm Damien Karras.

    Demon : And I'm the Devil. Now kindly undo these straps.

    Father Karras : If you're the Devil, why not make the straps disappear?

    Demon : That's much too vulgar a display of power, Karras.

  • Demon : Mirabile dictu, don't you agree?

    Father Karras : You speak Latin?

    Demon : Ego te absolvo.

    Father Karras : Quod nomen mihi est?

    Demon : Bon Jour.

    Father Karras : Quod nomen mihi est?

    Demon : La plume de ma tante.

  • Chris MacNeil : Is it over?

    Father Karras : No

    Chris MacNeil : Is she going to die?

    Father Karras : No!

  • [Karras sees Merrin dead on Regan's bed and gently moves him onto the floor; he beats Merrin's chest with force and checks for a heartbeat] 

    Father Karras : You son of a bitch!

    [attacks Regan] 

    Father Karras : Take me! Come into me! God damn you! Take me! Take me!

    [the demon transfers to Karras; he is about to kill Regan but stops] 

    Father Karras : NOOOO!

    [jumps out of the window and rolls down the stairs outside the apartment, mortally wounded. He dies moments after receiving last rites] 

  • Father Karras : Where is Regan?

    Demon : In here. With us.

  • Father Karras : I think it might be helpful if I gave you some background on the different personalities Regan has manifested. So far, I'd say there seem to be three. She's convinced...

    Father Merrin : There is only one.

  • Father Karras : There isn't a day in my life when I haven't felt like a fraud. I mean priests, doctors, I've talked to them all. I don't know anyone who hasn't felt that.

  • Chris MacNeil : How do you go about getting an exorcism?

    Father Karras : I beg your pardon?

  • Father Karras : Would you like to hear about the case, first?

    Father Merrin : Why?

  • Demon : You killed your mother! You left her alone to die! Bastard!

    Father Karras : Shut up!

  • Father Karras : There are no experts. You probably know as much about possession than most priests. Look, your daughter doesn't say she's a demon. She says she's the devil himself. And if you've seen as many psychotics as I have, you'd know it's like saying you're Napoleon Bonaparte.

  • Father Karras : It's my mother, Tom. She's alone. I never should have left her. At least in New York, I'd be near, I'd be closer.

    Tom, President of University : Could see about a transfer, Damien.

    Father Karras : I need re-assignment, Tom. I want out of this job. It's wrong. It's no good.

    Tom, President of University : You're the best we've got.

    Father Karras : Am I really? It's more than psychiatry, and you know that Tom. Some of their problems come down to faith, their vocation and meaning of their lives, and I can't cut it anymore. I need out. I'm unfit. I think I've lost my faith, Tom.

  • Chris MacNeil : How does a doctor end up as a priest?

    Father Karras : It's the other way around; the Society put me through medical school.

  • Father Dyer : [taking away Karras' whiskey]  I reckon I saved him from a great temptation.

    Father Karras : Stealing's a sin.

  • Lt. Kinderman : You know who you look like? John Garfield. Exactly, John Garfield, "Body and Soul." Do people ever tell you that, Father?

    Father Karras : Do people tell you that you look like Paul Newman?

    Lt. Kinderman : Always.

  • Father Karras : [praying over Merrin's body]  Ego te absolvo in nomine Patris, et Filiii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.

  • Father Karras : I should have told you I wouldn't be in uniform.

See also

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