• Severe
  • A soldier's leg is shot. We see a lot of blood around the wound.
  • Civilians and soldiers alike are gunned down and killed.
  • A man punches a mirror and cuts his hand. Blood is shown on his torso as well as on the bed sheets.
  • There are bloody dead bodies shown throughout.
  • The violence in this movie is more brutal than violent.
  • Not as gory or violent as other war films such as Saving Private Ryan.
  • This film is surprisingly not very violent, pretty much moderate.
  • The violence is much more disturbing than it is graphic however this makes the combat more impactful.
  • Multiple heads are seen in the background, as well as skulls on spikes.
  • Intense war violence throughout. Accurately depicts wartime during the late 60's
  • A buffalo is seen getting beheaded
  • A man is beheaded. It's all offscreen, but we briefly see his head after it is removed.
  • Colonel Kurtz's kingdom is littered with dead bodies of men that he ordered to be executed.
  • Captain Willard kills Colonel Kurtz with a machete. There is some blood on the walls and on his body.
  • A young man is gunned down by the Vietcong
  • Chief is impaled by a spear.
  • A group of civilians are gunned down by soldiers.