Scott Colomby credited as playing...
Tony D'Annunzio
- Tony D'Annunzio: [carrying Czervik's golf bag] What do you got in here, rocks?
- Al Czervik: Are you kiddin'? When I was your age, I would lug fifty pounds of ice up five, six flights of stairs!
- Tony D'Annunzio: [puts down Czervik's bag, exasperated] So what?
- Al Czervik: So what?
- [opens compartment in golf bag, revealing radio]
- Al Czervik: So let's dance!
- [turns on Journey's "Any Way You Want It," high volume]
- Tony D'Annunzio: Another Rob Roy, Bishop?
- Bishop: You never ask a Navy man if he'll have another drink, because it's nobody's goddamned business how many drinks he's had already, right?
- Judge Smails: Wrong! You're drinking too much, Your Excellency.
- Bishop: Excellency, fiddlesticks! My name's Fred and I'm a man, same as you.
- Judge Smails: You're not a man, you're a bishop, for God's sakes.
- Bishop: There is no God...
- Tony D'Annunzio: [caddying for the elderly Havercamps... to Mrs. Havercamp] Your ball's right over there, go straight. You can't miss it. Mrs. Havercamp... Mrs. Haver... Mrs. Havercamp... you'll need this.
- [hands her her club]
- Mrs. Havercamp: Oh I might, at that!
- Tony D'Annunzio: Mr. Havercamp, your ball's right over there, sir.
- Tony D'Annunzio: [Havercamp puts hand out for club, Tony hands it to him as he attempts to shoot away from the green] No... Mr. Havercamp. The green's right over there, sir.
- Mrs. Havercamp: [knocking ball into the pond] Whee!
- Mr. Havercamp: That's a peach, hon! Oh, by golly... I'm hot today!
- [he slices it and it barely misses Tony's head]
- [Tony gives his ticket to Danny who has taken over for Lou]
- Danny Noonan: I can't pay you. Lou has to.
- Tony D'Annunzio: Where is he?
- Danny Noonan: He's out.
- Tony D'Annunzio: I can see that he's out, numbnuts.
- [Gives Danny a dollar]
- Tony D'Annunzio: Give me a coke.
- Danny Noonan: One coke.
- [gives Tony a bottle of Coke and 50 cents]
- Tony D'Annunzio: Hey wait a minute. That's only 50 cents.
- Danny Noonan: Yeah well Lou raised the price of coke he's been losing at the track.
- Tony D'Annunzio: Well I ain't paying no 50 cents for no coke.
- Danny Noonan: Oh then you ain't getting no coke. Know what I'm talking about?
- Al Czervik: Hey! Can you make a Bullshot?
- Tony D'Annunzio: Can you make a shoe smell?
- Al Czervik: Very funny. Why don't you get yourself a real haircut? Here, take this.