89 of 193 found this moderate
Bill Murray character makes incredibly crude, sexist and explicit sexual references about women in many scenes.
A woman goes underwater and rips a man's swim trunks off. He is then seen getting out of the pool wearing nothing but his jockstrap.
One man shouts. "Hey everybody. We're going to get laid."
A topless female is briefly seen during the pool scene.
A graphic sex scene with nudity.
A man and a woman are seen making out in bed. Female breasts briefly shown.
66 of 103 found this to have none
A gopher bites a man.
2 men get into a brief fight (one of them gets a bloody nose)
Some violent scenes that can be skipped if you find them disturbing.
A boat barely avoids other boats but eventually crashes into another boat.
54 of 99 found this mild
Judge Smails says a couple of racist jokes referring to "Jews" and "Colored boys".
1 use of the F-word
5 uses of "shit"
1 use of "whore"
2 uses of "goddamn"
A few uses of "bitch"
Almost all of the profanity in the movie occurs once Rodney Dangerfield's character appears.
The language is not severe but it's definitely not mild.
49 of 92 found this moderate
Characters do joints and dope(marijuana).
Some cannabis smoking; some cigarette smoking; some drinking. One character vomits after drinking an alcoholic beverage with a cigarette in it. One character confesses to taking drugs everyday. Another affirms such daily drug-taking.
65 of 86 found this to have none
The portrayal of women is very sexist and highly sexualized, with men constantly ogling them, making crude remarks which will offend many people.
Very r rated. Not okay for anyone under 16.
A bishop gets struck by lightning while playing golf in a huge storm.