22 of 54 found this mild
A man walks in on a woman in the shower. Her bare breasts are visible.
At a party in the beginning of the movie there is a painting with woman's breast shown.
Face in a woman's cleavage in a fantasy sequence.
Sexual references.
A man walks in on his wife fooling around with another man. The man has his hand on her waist. No nudity.
Some crude humor.
14 of 21 found this mild
One character is punched in the face, a bar room brawl (comedic and not very violent), some minor slapstick moments throughout.
13 of 21 found this moderate
1 use of god, christ, Jesus, sex, scumbag, condom and midget 2 uses of fuck, ass, pussy and bastard 3 uses of damn 2 paired with god 4 uses of screw 6 uses of shit 2 paired with bull 1 paired with face
6 uses of shit
4 uses of fuck and use of other profanity such as shit, ass, pussy(non-sexual), damn, hell, goddamn, and bastards. 1 use of "screw you."
15 of 18 found this mild
Drinking in bars and at parties.
17 of 19 found this to have none
none its a comedy