• Mild
  • A man is held at gunpoint by soldiers. No one is injured.
  • People are hurled to the floor after an explosion.
  • A woman slaps a man in anger. He is not seriously injured.
  • One character falls from a great height and ends up unconscious and in critical condition, but is healed bloodlessly by scifi technology.
  • A punk on a bus is non-violently rendered unconscious. Played for laughs.
  • During a tour of an aquatic facility, a tour group that includes the main characters is shown real footage of whalers butchering dead whales. This is accompanied by the tour guide describing the plight of the animals and their endangered status, and fits in with the film's overall "save the whales" message.
  • The heroes race in their ship to rescue some whales from whalers in open sea and appear too late as the whalers fire their harpoon at the animals. However, the harpoon suddenly strikes something hard in mid-air and falls harmlessly. The reason for that proves to be the heroes' ship, which was invisible at the time and arrived in time to block the shot.