160 of 312 found this mild
A brief shot of a dancing possessed women bent over and shaking her butt
Zero nudity and no sexual activity. A few minor, crude, comedic gestures or jokes of sexual behaviors.
Mild sexual references.
Two ghosts make moaning noises that a girl mistakenly thinks is her parents during intercourse.
A scene is shown in which Betelgeuse mentions that he hasn't gotten any "action" in 600 years, and then visits a brothel staffed by devil women who are scantily clad.
Beetlejuice has a look up Barbara's dress by lifting her dress up with a stick, but nothing is shown. He also forcefully kisses her, and grabs her. All of this is when they first meet him.
Beetlejuice caresses a dead girl's thigh.
Betelgeuse grabs his crotch and hoists it up in a slightly offensive manner (intended to be a middle finger-type gesture) and makes a jerking-off hand gesture (implying masturbation) after saying "Nice f*ckin' model!"
Betelgeuse as a giant snake slithers across the floor and chuckles as he slithers past Deelia looking up her skirt.
Betelgeuse tries to force a teen girl to marry him (as a loophole). He acts suggestively throughout.
117 of 203 found this moderate
Several ghosts are shown throughout the movie, all of them resembling the way they died. A few are a bit bloody, one is clearly shown having slit wrists, however they are all harmless.
All Violence is used for comedic effect. All of the violence also being cartoony and absurdist.
There are no acts of violence shown. Many scenes with characters in make-up and costumes as they died, some gruesomely portrayed but within the context of this dark comedy.
A ghost is shown with her throat slit. No bloody detail.
A woman rips her face off, and her eyeballs hang from their sockets. Brief, no blood.
A man stretches his face so that it looks like he's got a beak and you can't see his eyes. Soon after, a woman's eyes roll back bloodshot and she stretches her face into a crocodile mouth with eyes in.
A dead woman sits in a waiting room. She's been sawed in half. Her lower half sits on one side of a man, the upper half sits on the other side.
One ghost looks like he's been flattened by a truck. He has tire marks across his "body" and he slips into a crevice in a wall. Rather funny.
We see a close-up shot of a housefly being grabbed by Betelgeuse and pulled into his lair. Nothing else is seen, but then we hear what is obviously Betelgeuse belching.
167 of 296 found this moderate
"Hell" and "Damnit" can be heard a few times.
Profanity is very mild and nothing that would shock the average American 12-year-old.
Beetlejuice screams "You bunch of losers! You're dealin' with a professional here! Nice fuckin' model!", then he grabs his crotch twice, making two honking sounds.
Fucking is used once despite the f word not being allowed to be used in a PG movie. This is the second PG rated movie to have an f word in it with the first being White Water Summer which was released a year earlier. "Reds" from 1980 has the F word six times and was rated PG, but this was before the creation of the PG-13 rating of 1983 (two years earlier) which relegated that word to PG-13 or R.
"Fuck" is said once. "Nice fuckin' model!",
"God," "jesus," "piss," "hell," "damn," "shit," and one use of "fuck" respectively.
One use of "shit", and one of "fuck".
Two uses of "Jesus"
One use of "pissed off"
"Goddamn" is said at the very beginning of the film.
127 of 170 found this mild
Zero drug use. Occasional alcohol and tobacco use by adults.
Overall smoking is depicted as an act which leads to a violent and unpleasant death. A ghost woman who was a smoker in life has a tracheotomy wound in her neck and blows the smoke from her cigarettes through it. Another ghost is depicted as a horrible charred skeleton/body, the implication being that he burned to death when a cigarette caught his bed on fire.
Several living people smoke cigarettes and drink cocktails at a dinner party.
A man is offered a cigarette by a comically burned and charred animated corpse.
99 of 185 found this moderate
Supernatural themes, suicide references, crude humour and coarse language.
A group of people start unwillingly dancing in a comical way, but suddenly and unexpectedly, the bowls of shrimp in front of them shoot out arms made of shrimp, which grab their faces and throw them against the wall.
Beetlejuice transforms into a gigantic snake with sharp teeth and enormous eyes. He then chases a group of people around a house.
A woman steps through a door which transports her to a strange dimension that looks like a desert, but suddenly an enormous striped snaked shows up.
A group of sculptures come to life in a comical but frightening manner. They then hold two people.
A short and nasty alien like creature randomly appears through an opening in the wall.
This movie is more funny than it is scary
Some people may find Beetlejuice's appearance somewhat frightening.
An man speaks crudely about suicide, first saying "I hope it wasn't another of your dreary suicide attempts" and then "Do you know what happens to people who commit suicide? In the afterlife, they become civil servants!" To which several characters laugh. In the same scene, he also says that a woman is "just upset because someone dropped a house on her sister" (a reference to the Wicked Witch of the East.)
The worlds that Tim Burton creates in "Beetlejuice" (both the "real world" and the "afterlife") are often times grotesque and surreal, marked by Burton's signature expressionistic art design. While humorous, the strange places and creatures that populate the film can be unnerving.