43 of 81 found this to have none
A man grabs the fake clothed breast of another man who is in disguise
Man asks another man if her wants to breed as he grabs his fake breast.
Man and woman kiss.
A man is bare chested throughout a majority of the movie.
27 of 50 found this mild
A woman is attacked and presumably killed by two dogs.
A fair amount of sword fighting takes place, but no blood is shown.
General Kael's death is fairly intense: three swords stab him and blood is shown.
Hot tar is poured onto several enemies. (Not gruesome or graphic.)
24 of 42 found this mild
Dwarven characters are sometimes referred to as "Peck". This would appear to be an offensive term.
A male refers to another male as "troll dung".
"What/Where the hell" (3 times), "You jackass" (1 time)
26 of 39 found this mild
There's a scene which takes place in a tavern where several people are seen drinking beer.
A 'Brownie' which is a tiny, fairy type being. Falls into a mug of ale. He's later seen intoxicated.
25 of 49 found this moderate
There is a prolonged scene involving a two-headed dragon. Some younger viewers may find this creature frightening.
A horseman is eaten alive by a double-headed dragon.