The Simpsons (TV Series 1989– ) Poster

(1989– )

Phil Hartman: Troy McClure, Lionel Hutz, 'Look at that stupid kid!', Barfly, Bill Clinton, Cable Guy, Charlton Heston, Commercial Announcer #2, Congressman, Duff Gardens Commercial Voice-Over, Evan Conover, Fat Tony, Football Commentator, Godfather, Heavenly Voice, Horst, Hospital Chairman, Joey, Lyle Lanley, Man in Radio Commercial, Mexican wrestling announcer, Mobster, Moses, Nelson's Dad, Plato, Smooth Jimmy Apollo, Stockbroker, Tom, Tuesday Night Live Announcer



  • Horst : [the new German owners of the power plant have not yet decided whether to keep Homer on]  You've been safety inspector for two years now. What initiatives have you spearheaded in that time?

    Homer : Uh... all of them.

    Horst : [Horst and Hans glance at one another]  I... see. Then you must have some good ideas for the future as well?

    Homer : I sure do!

    Hans : [after Homer fails to elaborate]  Such as?

    Homer : Well, er... well, I wish the candy machine wasn't so picky about taking beat-up dollar bills.

    [Hans and Horst exchange another look, this time Homer picks up on it and begins to squirm under their glare] 

    Homer : Because... a lot of workers really like candy.

    Horst : We understand Homer. After all, we are from the land of chocolate.

    Homer : Mmmmm... the land of chocolate.

    [Homer starts daydreaming about living in a world of chocolate until Hans' voice jolts him out of it] 

    Hans : Mr Simpson? Mr Simpson?

    Homer : Oh, I'm sorry. We were talking about chocolate.

    Horst : [irritably]  That was ten minutes ago.

  • Troy McClure : l hate every ape I see

    Troy McClure : From chimpanA to chimpanZ

    Troy McClure : So you'll never make

    Troy McClure : A monkey out of me!

  • Lionel Hutz : What's that, a broken leg? Great!

  • Lionel Hutz : [Monorail criticism]  I could answer your question, Lisa, but you and I would be the only ones in this room who'd understand. And I'm including your Teacher in that.

  • Troy McClure : Jub-jub is great! He's everywhere you wanna be!

  • Troy McClure : Ah, sweet lady liquor eases the pain!

  • Troy McClure : [because Troy needs glasses to drive, he keeps hitting parked cars]  Hey, these guys are all over the road!

See also

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