(at around 1h 2 mins) When destroying the paintings in the museum, one of Joker's henchmen puts several hand prints on a painting. Later, we see Joker imitating the statue, and in the background we can see the painting that had supposedly been fingerpainted is not.
(at around 1h 35 mins) When the Joker is throwing his parade, the float that the Joker stands on passes the same building (marked delicatessen) twice.
Tables and chairs vanish after Alicia Hunt enters Grissom's meeting.
(at around 1h 35 mins) During the Joker's Parade, one of the dollar bills that his goons were throwing out to the crowd gets caught on his throne. However, when he tells his goons to put on their masks, it has vanished. It reappears when the Joker pulls out the remote control.
(at around 44 mins) The shape of wiped-off makeup on the Joker's face changes.
(at around 2h) The Bat Signal at the end of the film produces a nice, clean flat image against the sky. A lighted signal such as this, however, would need a backdrop to be cast against to be seen (clouds, for example.)
(at around 1h 1 min) Even with proper ventilation, it would take at least a few minutes to completely clear a large building filled with gas, but the Joker and his men immediately enter the museum without wearing any gas masks and most of the gas is gone.
The machine gun on the Batwing is a gatling/minigun style on the port side of the aircraft, which would have produced a stream of bullets aimed at one point. However, when attempting to strafe the Joker, the stream of bullets go neatly to either side of the Joker, suggesting that there were two wing mounted machine guns (which miss him despite the Batwing's targeting computer being dead on).
During Bruce and Vicki's dinner date, Bruce asks Vicki if she "had a hard time finding the house?" Vicki had already been to the house previously for the benefit to save the festival.
At this point in the film, Bruce Wayne is presenting a somewhat "absent-minded" persona to Vicki. It's the same reason he admits that he's never been in that particular dining room before.
At this point in the film, Bruce Wayne is presenting a somewhat "absent-minded" persona to Vicki. It's the same reason he admits that he's never been in that particular dining room before.
(at around 1h 50 mins) When Batman arrives atop the Cathedral at the end, he is attacked by several of the Joker's men. These men seemingly appear from nowhere; the Joker indicated on his walkies that he and Vicki were going to be alone and then they climb up alone. However, ten minutes have likely already passed by and the henchmen must have entered the rooftop via the waiting helicopter. A spotlight also appears to encircle Joker and Vicki as they dance, another indication the helicopter is at close range.
The movie is set in the United States but really was filmed in the United Kingdom. In particular shows the Monarch Theatre. The word "Theatre" is by far the preferred spelling in British English, but the most correct word "Theater" is spelling in American English. This is not a goof because the spelling "Theatre" is commonly used in American English as well. In fact, the spelling ending in "re" is used in the name of nearly every American movie theater chain (Century Theatres, Brendan Theatres, etc.)
(at around 1h 50 mins) When Batman fights with the Joker's men atop the Cathedral at the end, the fights are very loud and involve all sorts of yelling, punching, kicking, and object breakage. The Joker and Vicki are seen dancing a mere few feet away, yet both are entirely oblivious to Batman's presence until after the fighting is over. Joker is forcing Vicki to dance, however, and his obliviousness is quite obviously purposeful.
The Joker's victims instantly get their rictus grins after overdosing on toxic additives. But while being dumped in those same chemicals caused the Joker's discoloration, his grin was a result of being shot through the cheeks and then stitched up. Being a brilliant chemist, he simply invented a new formula to achieve this effect.
(at around 24 mins) After one of the henchmen cuts open the safe in Axis Chemicals, he pulls open the safe without turning the handle. Also there are no locking shafts on the side of the door to lock the door in place.
(at around 4 mins) When the family is mugged in the beginning, the Batman watching from the rooftop is clearly animated.
(at around 1h 40 mins) During the parade scene when Joker releases the gas, Vicki escapes harm by entering the car. When driving away you can see that the rear passenger side window is open.
(at around 1h 13 mins) When Batman drives into the Batcave, Vicki looks behind her to see the cave's door closing. However, the configuration of the windows on the cockpit of the Batmobile would make it impossible for her to actually see that.
The gas mask that Vicki wears in the museum is just the mask part. It didn't have any filters on it and wouldn't have protected her from anything.
(at around 1h 17 mins) One newspaper headline reads "Batman Cracks Joker's Poison Code!" The headline to the left reads "Universal Service Urged by Truman in Princeton Talk." This is an iconic headline from the New York Times on 18 June 1947, reporting a speech by President Harry S. Truman. In one of Eckhardt's scenes, Jack Napier's police file gives his birth date as 1937, which would make the Joker only 10 years old.
(at around 26 mins) During the Axis raid, when the thug gets caught up in Batman's rope, he yells to be let down repeatedly, but his mouth doesn't move.
(at around 53 mins) When the Joker cuts up the pictures and Bob starts to laugh, the laughter starts before Bob's mouth opens.
The Batmobile is obviously powered by a gas turbine engine, but when it runs, the engine noise is of a piston engine. Additionally, an axial flow gas turbine engine would need a linear flow through the car, but the one in the Batmobile would be interrupted by the passenger compartment.
(at around 1h 12 mins) When the Batmobile first drives itself automatically, a hand is visible on the steering wheel through the tinted windscreen. This hand would have been invisible during the theatrical release, but the film's picture was brightened for home video after complaints of the film looking too dark.
(at around 1h 7 mins) When Batman saves Vicki from the museum you can see a crew member's hand holding Vicki when Batman raises them up in the air.
(at around 6 mins) During the initial fight scene, when Batman kicks Eddie, there is for an instant, a flash going off as if a picture is being taken when Eddie hits the door.
The TV cameras used at Harvey Dent's press conference and the Action News studios were British EMI-2001 cameras, which were virtually unheard of outside of the UK at the time.
After Joker breaks into the newscast at 1:27:45, the Action News director tell his assistant to call the "OB Unit" which is seen at 1:27:26 and 1:41:50. "OB Unit" stands for Outside Broadcast Unit, which is a phrase used only in the UK. In the US, they're called "Production Trucks."
(At 57 minutes) Bruce Wayne is reading police reports of Jack Napier and in the lower half the date reads 14-9-86... Given this is supposed to be in Gotham it should read 9-14-86, and so was obviously written by a British production staff member.
The Joker publicly announces that he will be throwing a big parade in the streets of Gotham. The police have been after him throughout the whole movie, yet they're nowhere to be seen during the parade, the easiest time to capture him.
When the Joker interrupts the Mayor's televised press conference, everyone looks to their left, as if to be looking at the Joker. But what are they looking at? In long shots of the event there are no video screens to see the Joker. Plus everyone watching from home, would need to have two TVs to see the Joker, like Bruce has.
Neither Vicki Vale and Alexander Knox recognize Bruce Wayne until he tells them his name. This is understandable for Vale as she has just arrived in Gotham, but Knox is an established Gotham journalist and should know what Gotham's most famous son looks like.
(at around 13 mins) The issue of Time Magazine with Vicki's photos misspells her name as "Vicky" Vale on the front cover.
On the newspaper that explains the combinations of dangerous products, Odor Eaters is spelled "Odoureaters" (UK spelling in the USA). In the same piece, the first combination is "Deodorant's with Baby Powder" (misplaced apostrophe).
When the Joker releases the gas during the parade scene, Alexander Knox takes a white dust mask out of the car to prevent him from inhaling the gas. A dust mask only protects you from dust particles and not from gas.
(at around 57 mins) The film is set in Gotham City, USA, but the bottle the Joker holds up in his "Smilex" commercial is for a "Moisturising" creme (instead of "moisturizing"), a tip-off that the bottle was created in England, where the film was shot.