Paperhouse presents an intensely entertaining fantasy/horror story of a young school girl ,Ana, enduring an illness, and experiencing a compelling fantasy that occurs when she is in the throes of the fevers brought on by her malady. She draws a house on paper, inhabited by a boy, who is also ill, and events occur in her febrile dreams which she tries to control with subsequent drawings. We get a rich and detailed insight into the girl's character as she tries to cope with two worlds in which she has serious problems to resolve. I really enjoyed Paperhouse from start to finish.
The film moves quickly and maintains an intense sense of adventure, and even some level of horror, that erupts every time Ana lapses into her dreams. I would say that the only real flaw in it is that the director seemed not to know just how to end it all. I would have preferred a tighter resolution. Still Paperhouse is well worthwhile.
The little actress who starred, did an excellent job. I understand this was her only film; one of those ironies of filmdom that is difficult to understand. She was really good. I wish this film would be released on DVD in the USA. I managed to tape it from cable but I would love to have it on DVD. I recommend that you watch Paperhouse if you see it playing.