Tango & Cash (1989) Poster


Michael J. Pollard: Owen



  • Owen : Your Honor, the defendants wish to change their plea.

    [Crowd is stunned. Judge McCormick bangs his gavel] 

    Judge McCormick : Order! Very well, Counselor. What is the plea?

    Ray Tango : Your Honor, may I approach the bench, please?

    Judge McCormick : Proceed, Mr. Tango.

    Ray Tango : [Gets up, looks at Owen]  It's okay.

    [Tango approaches the bench] 

    Ray Tango : Your Honor, I have been a policeman for 12 years, and I think it's the best organization in the country. At times, I've been accused of being too aggressive at taking criminals off the streets. Well, if that's a sin, then I guess I'm guilty. All the cops I've worked with are good cops. They are... doing a tough job. And I only hope that the outcome of this trial is such, that the whole department is not judged by what has transpired here. Thank you.

    [Tango returns to his seat] 

    Judge McCormick : Do you have anything to add, Mr. Cash?

    Gabriel Cash : [Nods]  Yeah.

    Ray Tango : [Grabs Cash's arm]  No!

    Gabriel Cash : Yeah.

    Ray Tango : No-no.

    Gabriel Cash : Yeah.

    Ray Tango : No.

    [Cash gets up] 

    Gabriel Cash : Mr. Tango has, uh, spoken very eloquently. I wish I could be as forgiving. But I can't, because... this whole thing... fucking sucks! I mean, this is the biggest pile of shit I've ever...

    [Crowd applauses] 

    Judge McCormick : Order! Order!

  • Owen : [unable to see the chaos outside the car]  Cash what was that noise?

    Gabriel Cash : Don't worry Owen, just a couple speed bumps.

See also

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