Boyz n the Hood (1991)
Laurence Fishburne: Furious Styles
Furious Styles : Any fool with a dick can make a baby, but only a real man can raise his children.
Officer Coffey : Something wrong?
Furious Styles : Something wrong? Yeah. It's just too bad you don't know what it is... *Brother*.
Furious Styles : Why is it that there is a gun shop on almost every corner in this community?
The Old Man : Why?
Furious Styles : I'll tell you why. For the same reason that there is a liquor store on almost every corner in the black community. Why? They want us to kill ourselves.
Furious Styles : Rick, it's the Nineties. Can't afford to be afraid of our own people anymore, man.
[Tre answers the phone]
Tre Styles : Who dis?
Reva Deveraux : Who dis? What kind of way is that to answer the phone? Have you given anymore thought to what we talked about?
Tre Styles : Yeah... I don't know yet.
Reva Deveraux : Let me speak to yo daddy.
Tre Styles : POP! Telephone.
Furious Styles : Who dis?
Furious Styles : Now I want you to give me the gun.
[Tre does not hand the gun to his father]
Furious Styles : Oh, I get it, you gonna end like Doughboy... like little Chris in a wheelchair.
[Tre still doesn't respond]
[Furious has shot at a burglar]
Furious : Somebody must have been praying for that fool, cause I swear I aimed right for his head.
Tre Age 10 : You should have blew it off.
Furious Styles : Don't say that. Don't say that. Just would've contributed to the killing of another brother.
Furious Styles : I know every time you turn on the TV, that's what you see. Black people, sellin' the rock, pushin' the rock, pushin' the rock. Yeah, I know. But that wasn't a problem as long as it was here. It wasn't a problem until it was in Iowa, on Wall Street, where there are hardly any black people.
Furious Styles : What'd you use?
Tre Styles : I used the number she gave me... Why you sweating me? I didn't have to use nothing. She said she was on the pill.
Furious Styles : How many times do I have I told you, if a girl says she's on the pill, you use somethin anyway. Pill ain't goin' to keep your dick from falling off. I don't know why you insist on learning things the hard way, but you gon' learn. Oh yeah, you gon' learn. Pick up that hair.
The Old Man : Ain't nobody from outside bringing down the property value. It's these folk, shootin' each other and sellin' that crack rock and shit.
Furious Styles : Well, how you think the crack rock gets into the country? We don't own any planes. We don't own no ships. We are not the people who are flyin' and floatin' that shit in here.
Furious Styles : Tre, what are you doing?
[sees that Tre is holding Furious' Magnum]
Furious Styles : Oh, you bad, now, huh? You bad. You gotta shoot somebody now, huh? Well, here I am. Come on, shoot me. You bad, right? Look, I'm sorry about your friend. My heart goes out to his family, but that's their problem. You my son. You my problem. I want you to give me the gun.
[Tre doesn't move]
Furious Styles : I see. You want to end up like little Chris in a wheelchair? Right? No, no, you want to end up like Doughboy, huh? No? Give me the motherfucking gun, Tre! You're my only son, and I'm not gonna lose you to no bullshit, you hear? I love you, man. Go clean yourself up. Go on.
Furious Styles : Would you two knuckleheads come on. I want you all to take a look at that sign up there. See what it says: cash for your home. Do you know what that is?
Ricky : A billboard.
Tre Styles : A billboard.
Furious Styles : What are you all? Amos and Andy? Are you Stepin and he's Fetchit? I'm talking about he message. What it stands for. It's called gentrification. It's what happens when the property value of a certain area is brought down. You listening? You bring the property value down. They can buy the land at a lower price, then they move all the people out, raise the property value and sell it at a profit. Now, what we need to do is keep everything in our neighborhood, everything - black. Black owned with black money. Just like the Jews, the Italians, the Mexicans and the Koreans do.