66 of 155 found this moderate
A child says "I put my ding-a-ling in her every night so that makes her mine!"
Sexual references from the teen protagonists.
No nudity just some mild jokes.
A boy and a girl kiss,the scene is very brief.
47 of 91 found this moderate
A man fires a gun at an intruder, but the bullet just goes through a door.
In one scene, there is a young boy walking home, and in the background you can see a beatdown behind him.
Not a lot of violence but is occasional and all sequences are built with threat.
A young man is gunned down in a drive-by shooting. His family and friends carry his bloodied body into the living room of his house. His family cries inconsolably over his corpse, with his mother blaming another young man (her other son) for his death, and proceeding to savagely beat him shortly thereafter. This scene is very hard to watch.
At the beginning, the boys find a body in the bushes.
A few young men are shot with machine guns in a drive-by. We see some blood on one of the young men as he is killed point blank (offscreen) while begging for his life. The killing is shown offscreen, as we only see one character's face, shooting the gun to end his life.
We see a slightly bloody dead body.
Guns are pulled in a few scenes and used to threaten people. Shots are sometimes heard being fired in the distance.
80 of 101 found this severe
49 uses of "ass".
8 uses of "ho" (1 is displayed on license plate reading KING HO).
8 uses of "pussy".
7 uses of "God" as exclamations.
6 uses of "hell".
6 uses of "dick".
2 uses of "titty".
1 use of "faggot".
The language is very strong and sometimes sexual, it's definitely most explicit part of the movie.
112 uses of "fuck"
55 of 78 found this moderate
People are always drinking on porches or just anywhere in the movie. Also a reference to crack and a crack pipe is visible early on in the movie. Some tobacco smoking. Drinking is the most frequent act seen throughout the movie.
49 of 83 found this severe
This film is very emotional as it realistically depicts the hard real life struggles of African Americans living in the ghetto of Crenshaw Los Angeles.
There is an intense scene where a cop holds a gun to a man's throat.