A Few Good Men (1992)
Cuba Gooding Jr.: Cpl. Carl Hammaker
Capt. Ross : were you present at a meeting held on the afternoon of September sixth with the members of the second platoon?
Cpl. Carl Hammaker : yes sir
Capt. Ross : would you tell the court the substance of that meeting?
Cpl. Carl Hammaker : Lieutenant Kendrick told us we had a informer in our group, that Private Santiago had gone outside the chain of command and reported to the NIS a member of our platoon
Capt. Ross : did that make you mad?
Cpl. Carl Hammaker : [remains silent]
Capt. Ross : you can tell the truth Corporal, it's alright, did that make you mad?
Cpl. Carl Hammaker : yes sir
Capt. Ross : how mad?
Cpl. Carl Hammaker : Private Santiago betrayed a code we believe in very deeply sir
Capt. Ross : were the other members of the squad angry?
Kaffee : object, speculation
Capt. Ross : were Dawson and Downey?
Kaffee : please the court, is the government counsel honestly asking this witness to testify to as to how my clients felt on September sixth?
Judge Randolph : sustained
Capt. Ross : Corporal, did Lieutenant Kendrick leave a standing order at that meeting?
Cpl. Carl Hammaker : yes sir
Capt. Ross : what was it?
Cpl. Carl Hammaker : well it was clear that he didn't want us taking matters in our own hands
Capt. Ross : what was the order?
Cpl. Carl Hammaker : Sir, he said Santiago wasn't to be touched.
Capt. Ross : [to Danny] your witness
Kaffee : were you in Dawson and Downey's room five minutes after this meeting?
Cpl. Carl Hammaker : no, sir
Kaffee : thanks, I have no more questions.