Larry Bagby credited as playing...
Ernie 'Ice'
- Jay: So let's have a butt.
- Max: No thanks, I don't smoke.
- Ernie "Ice": They're very health conscious in Los Angeles.
- [Jay and Ice laugh]
- Jay: You got any cash Hollywood?
- Max: No.
- Ernie "Ice": Gee, we don't get any smokes from you. We don't get any cash. What am I supposed to do with my afternoon?
- Max: Maybe you could learn to breathe through your nose.
- [Jay laughs. But, stops as Ice offensively glares at him]
- Jay: Whoa. Check out the new cross-trainers.
- Ernie "Ice": [looks at Max's sneakers] Cool.
- [turns to Max]
- Ernie "Ice": Let me try them on.
- [Max tries to leave, Jay stops him and smiles]
- Jay: Later, dude!
- Ernie "Ice": See you, Hollywood!
- [Jay and Ernie laughing]
- Jay: So, where're you from?
- Max: Los Angeles.
- [Jay and Ice look at him with confused looks]
- Max: L.A.
- Jay: [Finally getting it] Oh, dude!
- Ernie "Ice": Tubular.
- Ernie "Ice": [Jay and Ice are locked in cages] Hollywood, help us out here!
- [Max takes his shoes back from Ice]
- Max: Tubular.
- [Ice whimpers]
- Jay: [with a tree filled full of numerous rolls of toilet paper in the background] You want to smash some pumpkins?
- Ernie "Ice": No.
- Jay: Well then, do you want to look in windows and watch babes undress?
- Ernie "Ice": It's 3am. They're undressed already.
- Jay: [throws another roll of toilet paper] Well then, you think of something!
- Ernie "Ice": [grumpy eating candy] Look, I don't feel so hot.
- Jay: It's because you're eating too much candy, you oinker!
- [hits Ice causing him to drop a piece of candy he was eating]
- Ernie "Ice": Ding-ding. Ding-ding.
- Jay: Stop and pay the toll, kid.
- Ernie "Ice": Ten chocolate bars, no licorice.
- Jay: Dump out your dump sack.
- Dani: Drop dead, moron.
- Ernie "Ice": Yo, twerp. How'd you like to be hung off that telephone pole?
- Dani: I'd just like to see you try it. Cause it just so happens I've got my big brother with me. Max!
- [Jay and Ernie are not impressed by this. Max walks up and takes off the sunglasses]
- Ernie "Ice": Hollywood!
- Jay: Oh, no!
- [Some of his friends laughing]
- Jay: So, you're doing a little trick-or-treating? Ding-dong!
- Ernie "Ice": WHOO!
- Max: I'm taking my little sister around.
- Jay: That's nice.
- [sees that he wears a costume]
- Jay: WHOA! I love the costume! What do you suppose to be? A new kid on the block?
- Dani: For your information: He's a little leaguer!
- Jay: Whoa, I'm a little leaguer!
- [He and Ice fake a baseball play. Dani tries to walk by again]
- Ernie "Ice": Wait a minute, everyone pays the toll.
- Dani: Stuff it, zit-face!
- Ernie "Ice": Why, you little...
- [He move to hit Dani but Max steps in the way]
- Max: Hey.
- [shoves a bag of candy at him]
- Max: Ice, here. Pig out.
- [turns to Dani]
- Max: Come on, Dani. Let's go.
- [Max and Dani leaves]
- Ernie "Ice": And Hollywood? The shoes fit great!
- [Ice, Jay and his some other friends laughing]