Sean Murray credited as playing...
Thackery Binx
- Emily: Thackery Binx, what took thee so long?
- Thackery Binx: I'm sorry, Emily. I had to wait three hundred years for a virgin to light a candle.
- Thackery Binx: Take good care of Dani, Max, you'll never know how precious she is until you lose her.
- Dani: Where's Binx? Binx? Binx? Binx!
- Allison: He's gone. He's gone, Dani.
- Dani: But he can't die, remember? Wake up, Binx. Binx, wake up. Like last time.
- [she begins crying over his feline body]
- Thackery Binx: [In human spirit form] Dani, come on. Please don't be sad for me.
- Dani: Binx, is that you?
- Thackery Binx: Yeah.
- [laughs]
- Thackery Binx: The witches are dead, my soul's finally free.
- [Puts his hand out, as she lays her hand in his]
- Thackery Binx: You freed me, Dani, thank you.
- [turns to Max]
- Thackery Binx: Hey, Max? Thanks for lighting the candle.
- Emily: Thackery! Thackery Binx!
- Thackery Binx: It's Emily!
- [to Dani]
- Thackery Binx: I shall always be with you.
- Emily: Thackery Binx, what took thee so long?
- Thackery Binx: I'm sorry, Emily, but I had wait 300 years for a virgin to light a candle.
- [first lines]
- [a witch passes by the window of Thackery Binx and Emily's bedroom; Thackery wakes up then a few seconds later, he lays back and sees that Emily is gone]
- Thackery Binx: Emily? Emily!
- [he leaves the house to search for Emily]
- Thackery Binx: Emily!
- [he runs up to Elijah]
- Thackery Binx: Elijah! Elijah! Hast thou seen my sister Emily?
- Elijah: Nay. But, look.
- [he points to purple smoke in the sky]
- Elijah: They conjure.
- Thackery Binx: Oh, god. The woods!
- [he and Elijah run towards the field and see Sarah leading Emily into the woods]
- Thackery Binx: Emily!
- Elijah: She's done for!
- Thackery Binx: Not yet! You wake my father, summon the others! Go!
- [Elijah races off while Thackery heads for the woods]
- Thackery Binx: [to the Sanderson sisters] You hags! There are not enough children in the world to make thee young and beautiful!
- Thackery Binx: I want to show you something. Give you an idea of what we're dealing with.
- Max: William Butcherson? Lost Soul?
- Thackery Binx: Billy Butcherson was Winifred's lover, but she caught him sporting with her sister, Sarah. So she poisened him and sewed his mouth shut with a dull needle, so he couldn't tell his secrets, even in death. Winifred was always the jealous type.
- Allison: You're Thackery Binx.
- Thackery Binx: Yes.
- Allison: Ha. So the legends are true.
- Thackery Binx: Come along. Want to show you something else.
- Thackery: [to the Sanderson sisters] You hags! There are not enough children in the world to make thee young and beautiful!
- [last lines]
- Emily: Thackery Binx, what took thee so long?
- Thackery Binx: I'm sorry, Emily, but I had to wait 300 years for a virgin to light a candle.