Wendy Crewson credited as playing...
- Scott Calvin: Where is he?
- Laura: Well, he could be listening to records jumping up and down on his bed wearing a red hat and galloshes.
- Scott Calvin: I don't care what Neil's doing. Where's Charlie?
- Scott Calvin: [about what will happen for Christmas Eve dinner] Are you going to your mom's for dinner?
- Laura: Actually, we're going with Neil's family.
- Scott Calvin: Ah, Christmas at the pound!
- [mockingly imitates a howling wolf, a hissing cat, and a cat meowing]
- Charlie: [to his father, Scott] What do you mean you don't know? Of course you are, Dad. How can you say that? Think about those kids!
- Scott Calvin: The only kid I'm thinking about is you.
- Charlie: Dad, I'm fine. You can't let *them* down. They all believe in you.
- Dr. Neil Miller: Charlie, listen...
- Charlie: YOU listen! You think you know what he is? You *DON'T*!
- Laura: Charlie - honey, listen. You're confused.
- Charlie: I know *exactly* who he is.
- Dr. Neil Miller: [firmly] Charlie... He is NOT Santa!
- Charlie: [whining; desperate] HE IS TOO SANTA! We went to the North Pole together. I saw it! The elves are real old even though they look like me. Bernard called me sport, 'cause he knew everything.
- [turns to Scott]
- Charlie: Right, Dad?
- [Scott looks unsure]
- Charlie: [tossing him the snow globe Bernard gave him] REMEMBER!
- [last lines]
- Scott Calvin: Do you wanna go for a quick ride?
- Charlie: Yeah!
- Laura: Uh...
- Scott Calvin: Of course, it's up to your mom.
- Charlie: Please, Mom.
- Laura: Go on. Get outta here.
- Scott Calvin: All right. Hold on. On our way.
- Charlie: Bye, Mom.
- Laura: Just-- Just a quick one. And, uh, not over any oceans, Scott.
- Charlie: Bye, Mom!
- Laura: Scott.
- Scott Calvin: Bye.
- Laura: Scott! Santa!
- [Scott and Charlie fly off into the night]