- Dexter: Suppose you kept going another 18 billion light years, what if there's nothing out there? Suppose you kept going another trillion times further, so far out you see nothing. The light from the universe would be fainter than the faintest star. Infinitely cold. Infinitely dark. Sometimes if I wake up and it's dark, I get really scared, like I'm out there and I'm never coming back.
- Erik: Here, hold onto this when you sleep. And if you wake up and you're scared, you'll say, "Wait a minute. I'm holding Eric's shoe. Why the hell would I be holding some smelly basketball shoe a trillion light years from the universe? I must be here on earth, safe in my sleeping bag, and Eric must be close by."
- Dr. Jenson: Look, history is full of very sick people, who suddenly, for no reason at all, get better. And when that happens we call it a miracle. From the moment I met you I knew you were special, and that you might be one of those people. You know I'm tellin' you the truth, don'tcha? You can feel that inside ye, can'tcha? So don't let me down, okay? I'm countin' on you to make me famous.
- Dexter: There's something I have to tell you. My mom likes to call me 'Sweetie'.
- Erik: Ha ha ha. "Sweetie"?
- Dexter: You gotta promise not to laugh.
- Linda: [At dinner] You want some more carrots, sweetie?
- Erik: [as Linda goes to the kitchen; while laughing] You didn't finish all your meat loaf, love muffin.
- Dexter: Would you shut up?
- Erik: What about your little brother when he fell off the monkey bars at school and got real hurt, they had to take him to the hospital. He could've caught something then.
- Tyler: But he didn't.
- Erik: But he could've. Then everybody would be calling him faggot and queer, and he'd get sick and die. And they'd write 'Homo' on his headstone. And when your mother went to bring him flowers, she'd see Little Eddie Horner Homo. But you know what the worst part about it would be? Probably before he died a bunch of assholes like you who ain't sick, thought it might be fun just to beat the shit out of him!
- Dr. Jenson: So, I hear your road to the Nobel Prize hit a few potholes?
- Erik: More like the Grand Canyon.
- Erik: Hey! What would you do if I come over there and whopped your ass?
- Dexter: How long would that take?
- Erik: 'Bout 10 seconds.
- Dexter: I'd wait till you're finished and then I'd continue working on my mud fort.
- Erik: You mean you'd just let me beat you up?
- Dexter: I'd try to stop you but I probably wouldn't be able to, I'm not very big.
- Erik: Well in that case it'd only take 5 seconds.
- Dexter: So is that what you're gonna do?
- Erik: Maybe later.
- Dexter: Hello? You still there?
- Erik: Dexter was laughing his ass off.
- Dr. Jenson: Oh, that's what happened to it. I thought he was just on a diet.
- Tyler: Hey, how much you pay for that faggot? You guys took a wrong turn. This is a 'No Homo' zone.
- Erik: I ain't a homo. And neither is he. He got it from a blood transfusion.
- Tyler: Well then what's that awful smell?
- Erik: Well see, we was walking across the grass when we accidentally stepped in your mother.
- Erik: One time there was this kid, and he went swimming after eating, and he got a stomach cramp and he started to drown, but the sturgeon general grabbed him by his shirt and put him on the shore.
- Tyler: Hey, Erika. How's your new boyfriend next door?
- Erik: He's not next door, he's behind me. I ain't never even seen him.
- Tyler: "I ain't never even seen him." Who are your neighbors then? Gomer Pyle and his brother Guber?
- Erik: Eat shit.
- Tyler: What was that? Hey come back here, Faggot! Hey I said come back here!
- Erik: Why can't I go see Dad?
- Gail: [thinks for a moment] Well, call him. If he says "yes," I'll put you on the next plane. You know, you and his little friend Cindy could go to the movies and get in for half price.
- Erik: She's 23, Mom.
- Gail: Oh, amazing. Old enough to drink.
- Erik: Yeah, but she doesn't.